Chapter Sixteen - Relationship

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I know he has Alesa but I'm gonna put Dawn anyway kay?
Sky's POV
"Okay." He whispered as he turned to me.
"I'm just...worried."
"Worried? For who?" He sighed and looked down, thinking.
"Um. When you were here, you were in a relationship. I'm worried for them." Crap. Does that mean I'm cheating on Dawn? I sighed and turned to face him again.

"Could you tell me about them?" He looked hesitant but spoke anyway.
"They were...different. You could say you were their savior." I squinted my eyes in thought.
"What do you mean." Ty looked at his shoes and let out an airy chuckle.
"You saved them from bullies. You were their light in darkness."
"Were they a boy a girl?" Ty seemed shocked and looked up at me with wide eyed.

"I'm openly Bi. You're not against that are you?" He rapidly shook his head and smiled.
"No, actually I'm gay." He scratched his neck and smiled nervously.
"That's fine. Answer my question though."
"Boy." I was honestly a little shocked. I've always been Bi, I just never had a boyfriend before. I looked at the darkening sky and stood up.

"Let's go home. We can talk more later." He nodded and walked ahead. I stayed behind in silence until we arrived home. As I walked in the door Mr.Dahlberg came up to me.
"They'll be here tommorow." I nodded and walked to our room where, Ty already sat on the bed.
"Can we talk more tommorow?" Ty nodded and layed down. I joined him and slowly fell asleep, mind on my mystery boyfriend. His unknown identity kept me up.

When I woke up, Ty was already gone. I sulked downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.
"Did anyone make coffee?" I heard a groan as footsteps rushed to me. Ty came in looking ready for school.
"Isn't it Saturday?" He nodded and grabbed a mug from the counter. The microwave beeped to life and after 20 seconds he handed me my coffee. I took one sip before I was pulled into the living room.
"Sky?" I nearly spit out my coffee.

My mother looked at me with unbelieving eyes. Hestitantly, she reached out to touch my face. I tried acting as cool as I could.
"Well hi there!" I mentally cheered when I didn't stammer.
"Babe?" I looked over at Dawn. Tears brimmed her wide eys eyes.
"I-I'll...I'll go make breakfast." I nodded, not even looking at Ty. I could hear him leave as I stared into Dawns eyes. She jumped up and hugged me so tight it was hard to breathe.

"Humans need to breathe babe." She giggled and pulled back.
"It's you. It's really you." She leaned in but I stopped at her with my hand. She looked like she was about to cry again when I did.
"Sorry, while I was here a got a boyfriend." Her happy look went to mad in the blink of an eye.
"While you were still dating me!?" I flinched back and tried my best to smile.
"Yeah sorry. I have memory loss from the last couple months but Ty told me I had one."

"Hey foods-" He froze as Dawn began glaring at him. He gulped and continued.
"Foods ready." My mother, sensing the tension, stood up and spoke.
"Well lets eat. We should catch up with Sky." My father nodded while Dawn just followed with an angry look still plastered onto her face. My mom and dad sat next to eachother while I sat next to Dawn. Because there's only four chairs Mr.Dahlberg and Ty had to sit at the counter but they insisted it was fine.

Ty served us each scrambled eggs and toast, mine having extra butter.
"Wow! Thanks Ty!" He chuckled and nodded before going to his own seat.
"So Sky, how's it been?" My mother asked when we all had our food.
"I don't know. I don't remember my time here." I replied with a mouthfull of eggs. Dang, Ty's a good cook.
"Oh well look good." I chuckled and thanked her.

I could feel Dawn try to grab my hand from under the table. I slowly pulled away and continued eating like nothing happened. She wouldn't let it slide though.
"Ty come here for a second please." Dawn said in a sweet voice. He hoped of the tall chair and stood by Dawn's chair.
"What's up?"
"Would you please tell Sky he doesn't have a boyfriend so he'll pay attention to his girlfriend." She said, motioning to herself as she said 'girlfriend'.

Ty's POV
"Sorry but I can't. That would be lying. But I can say they were in an argument not too long ago." She giggled and turned back to Sky.
"See now you can-"
"Wait, hold up. Why were we arguing?" I gulped and looked down.
"Please Ty." He looked at me with a pout, causing me to sigh.
"They said they loved you and you walked away."

Sky gasped and looked a me with worried eyes.
"Are they okay?" I chuckled. No, I was not okay. My boyfriend had a girlfriend and I've been cutting daily again. But, I couldn't say that so I lied.
"They are alive and breathing. Their fine." He looked relived and smiled.
'Thanks Ty." I nodded and turned to leave but Dawn grabbed my wrist. I hissed out in pain and quickly took it back.

"Y-Yes?" I asked, hoping no one noticed me wince.
"If you seem to know so much about his boyfriend why don't you make him call and break up with Sky?"
"Dawn no." She ignored Sky and pulled me down to whisper in my ear.
"Do it or I tell about the cutting." I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I needed to break up with Sky anyway, I don't want to get in the way of their relationship.

I called Sky's cellphone which I knew by heart. I could faintly here his ringtone from the kitchen.
"We're breaking up."
"W-Wait what?"
"Sorry Sky."
"Wait Ty?!"

Writers block. Halp. This story's ending soon btw. But I'll make a new one, maybe even another Skylox. Or a Merome. We'll see. Bai now and:
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