Chapter Thirteen - Not Human

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Adam's POV (Lots of POV changes. Sorry.)

I couldn't get Ty to open his door. I yelled his name pounded on the wooden door but he still stayed locked in it.
"Ty! Please! Let me explain!" I didn't mean to do what I did. He told me he loved me and I left. I needed to think. Think if I wanted to tell him about me or not. He told me the day before I was getting emotions! Thanks World!
"Ty. Please." The only thing that kept me from bursting down the door was knowing he was alive. Along as I heard muffled sobs or quiet sobs, I won't go in forcefully.

I went to the kitchen and made him dinner like everyday, and like everyday, he didn't eat it. The now cold food sat on a plate infront of his door. Well correction, our door. I've been sleeping on the couch. I wasn't mad at his for stealing the bed, I was lonely. After Mr.Dahlberg gave me emotions, I've only felt sad. I put away and sat infront of his door.
"Ty, school starts tommorow."
"N-No." He voice was hoarse from crying.

"Well, I'm going so I'm going to sleep. But Ty..." He stayed silent but I continued anyway.
"Don't do anything...harmful to yourself. If you hurt yourself I'll hurt myself." With that, I got up and left. I got as comfy as I could on the couch but it still felt cold and empty. Gosh, I'm starting to hate emotions. I feel like theres more bad ones than good ones, especially in my case. I wispered 'Goodnight' to Ty, even though he couldn't hear it, and went to sleep.

I reluctantly woke up. Schools already dreadful, but when all your friends are gonna hate you because you hurt their friend, it's even worse. I already know Ty told Team Crafted, I got texts from the all hours after what happened. I put on my normal outfit and went to the kitchen. I was disappointed to see Ty didn't come down. I quickly ate some toast before packing my bag.
"See you later!" I yelled before ashing out the door. I made sure to leave early do that I had time to walk.

I stood outside the gate, not wanting to go in. I styaed there until the warning bell went off and I knew I had to go. I ran through the hallways and made it to my class just as the bell went off again. I walked into class breathless. It only took two seconds and I was already getting glares from students, and not just Team Crafted.
"Adam. Where's Ty?" I had to catch my breath before speaking.
"He's sick."

A few people scoffed but no way was I telling her the real reason. 'I broke his heart and now he locked himself in our room.' Yeah, no. I took my seat and looked out the window, trying to ignore the stares everyone was giving me.
"Adam?" I looked at the teacher where there was a question writen on the board. It took only seconds from my amulet to find the correct answer.
"n=12" She gaped at me before turning to the rest of the class.

I didn't need to be here, but it's not like Ty wants me to stay at home with him. The whole day people were glaring at me while I just stared out the window. As the luch bell rang, I mentally groaned. I follwed the crowd and grabbed my lunch. I was gonna get my lunch and go to the library but I was stopped by Ryan. I though he was gonna beat me, I didn't stop him, I deserved it, but instead he pat me shoulder.
"I heard you broke the fags heart."

I growled at him and shook my head.
"Well that's not what all of Team Crafted or whateve they call themselves said. I bet even Ty would say you did."
"Ty's not here."
"Well why not. Was it because of you?" I looked down at me red Vans.
"...Yes." He chuckled and put an arm around my shoulder.

"I want you to join us. And when Ty comes back, you can hurt him even more." This whole conversation Ryan made it loud enough so everybody heard. No it was my turn. I roughly shoved his hand off my shoulder.
"Do you dare hurt Ty!" Ryan and his "crew" stared at me dumbstruck.
"You already did." He smirked and when he crossed his arms, the other two followed suit.
"Not physically. And not on purpose."

"How is leaving a boy who confessed his love not on accident!" Mitch joined in our little arguement.
"I needed to think."
"About what? How to leave him?!"
"No..." I spoke barley loud enough for him to hear.
"What then?!" Jerome came over to calm Mitch down and Ryan and his crew left so it was just me and Mitch.

"How to tell him."
"Tell him what Adam?! That you don't like him because I'm pretty sure he got the message!"
"But I do like him."
"No you don't you-" Something inside me snapped. I had a feeling I was gonna lose a friend, but it's not like I had any anyway.
"Mitch stop! I do care! I've been trying to get him to eat and I've sat outside his door each day. I feel horrid for what I did and I've felt nothing but guilt! Everyday I tell if he hurts himself, I'll do the same and hurt myself! You don't understand what it's like for me so don't act like you do!"

They all gasped at me. I was hoping to shut Mitch up but it didn't work.
"I do understand what it's like for you beacuse your just like us, human."
"I'm not human!" Did I mean to tell him? No. Am I glad I did? Heck yeah. And what do you know, it shut Mitch up. I left school early and calmed down on the walk home.

So I was gonna do fluff and have like three Disneyland chapters but the backfired. I tried writing fluff, even asked for help, but in the end it didn't work. I'll try to add some later but for now, here the climax! That's all. Bai and...
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