Chapter Fourteen - Old Memories

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Adam's POV

"You did what?!"
"I didn't mean to. It just...slipped out." Mr.Dahlberg grumbled something under his breath.
"I didn't say what I was, just that I wasn't human." I smiled sheepishly. He sighed and went to his basement.
"We'll talk later, I need to finish my other project." He closed the door behind him and locked it like usual and left me all alone. After debating, I took a risk and went to Ty.

"Ty?" I pressed my face to the door. I almost panicked until I heard small breaths.
"I know your in there. Will you at least talk to me?"
"W-What about? H-How much you h-hate m-me?"
"I don't hate you. I'm just...lonley."
"So I'm just there when you need cheering up?" His stutter quickly disappeared but his voice was still a little hoarse.

"No. I just have no one left and...I miss having you around."
"Sure you do." The sarcasm was obvisous in his voice.
"I do. I swear I do."
"No you don't. You hate me and I hate you." Those words stung and I ended up crying. Despite my efforts, a silent sob ended up escaping my lips.

If Ty noticed, he didn't care, and I couldn't blame him. I hurt him, it's my fault he was up there. My goal was always to stop him from cutting but I think I only urged it. I sat down on the couch staring at my arms. I knew all the wires inside my arms. I knew what wire did what and what wire would shut me down. One pull of a wire and I'm dead. I looked between the room and my arm. He hates me anyway so why not. I stood up and opened the compartment on my arm. It took a little digging around but I finally found the purple wire. I pulled it from it socket and fell, being consumed by darkness.

Ty's POV
I held the blade in my hand. My knuckles turned white from how tight my grip was on it. I threw the bloddy blade in the sink as I dangled my arms over the toilet, letting the blood fall in it. I stayed like that until I began crying. The salty tears flowed into my cuts, causing me to wince. I ran the soothing water over my arms relaxing a little bit till a loud noise echoed thoughout the house. THUMP! It almost sounded like a car hit a wall.

I peeked out of the room but instead of seeing a car in the middle of the living room, I saw Adam. His body was sprawled out across the carpet and he showed no signs of living. I rushed down the stairs and checked on Adam, I gasped at what I saw. A small compartment was opened on his arm and inside were...wires?! I stepped back, not wanting to damage him more, and began to bang on Mr.Dahlberg's door.
"Hold on. I'm almost done!"

"Hurry! Adam's passed out on the floor and I don't know what to do!" By now, the tears returned and were streaming down my face, only for a different reason now. Mr.Dahlberg dashed through the door at my words. I crouched next to him as he examined Adam. He let out a low chuckle.
"W-What's so funny?" Who laughs, or chuckles, when someone is passed out?
"It's just ironic. I'll explain, just come with me."

I followed Mr.Dahlberg into the basement, but immediatly froze when I saw a boy at the table. Mr.Dahlberg noticed me frozen in the doorway and huffed.
"It's fine. He's a robot." I gulped and stepped in as he removed the unknown boy and set Adam down.
"I-Is Adam a robot?" He sadly smiled and nodded.
"He was built to help kids with depression so they don't commit suicide. Ironically, he just commited it himself."

I put a hand over my mouth to muffle the sobs escaping my mouth. It's my fault. Why did I have to tell him I hate him when it's not true. I tried hating him, it didn't work. I still love him even though he hurt me. Gosh I'm stupid, I should have at least let him explain. As I was ranting to myself I didn't notice Adam sit up. I wanted to jump and give him a hug but I was to paralized to move, so I just stared at him. He couched slightly as he looked me over.
"Do I uh- Do I know you?"

Cliff Hanger Batch!'s summer. Yay...Normally I'd be happy but, I'm lazy! Summer gives me no excuses for my late typing. 'I would have updated but I was too busy doing nothing.' Yeah, great excuse Emilia. There's also the fact that I'm in 8th grade, or was. Meaning I'm not gonna see my clasmates no more. At least most of them. Hey, at least I was in a better mood then most on the last day. Translation, I didn't cry like some peeps. But, it's summer! :D Don't let me bring you down...if you even reading this. Doubtful. At least it's fun talking to myself...I'm just insane. I say it alot too. That and 'I can't English!' Enought of boring talking. Bai now and:
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