A/N ~ Starting Over and Sequel

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You've finally made a decision you bloody pleb. Took you long enough.

I know, I know, sorry for the wait. I've been thinking about it and it's kind of a hard decision.

Well if you read the title, you know I'm starting over. Not all my stories just this book. Why?

Well dear friend, because I don't like my old writing and the cutting/abuse.

Before I started this story I was like, "LET'S NOT HAVE CUTTING OR ANYTHING"


So yeah, I'm trying again. Adam will still be part robot and Ty human, but no abuse, no cutting, no depression. And maybe I'll even change the location. There's so many Skylox highschool AU's and I wanted to be different. It's not that those are bad, I just really want to be unique. Something you see and think "Hey, this sounds cool." 

Now, about that sequel...

it shall be done as well. I know, I know, celebrate! Haha, no my writing sucks. ;w;

But really, I already have a sequel idea! Once I modify my story a bit, I'll modify the sequel too. Right now, I just have the basic outline.

So when I rewrite the story, you don't have to read it if you don't want. I get that maybe you don't want to sit through a whole nother book, that's fine. I can always put a brief description in the sequel once I finish the book.

So yeah, uh, I think that's it.

So sorry if this annoys anyone, I just really need to change it. Bear with me here. Others stories will also be worked on, plus highschool, so it will probably take awhile.

So sorry again.

(Haha, if you couldn't tell by my typing, I'm pretty tired whoops.)

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