Chapter Five - Merome?

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Ty's POV
I'm not gonna say I hated Team Crafted and never wanted to meet them. If I did, I would be lying. Truthfully, I was envious of the friendship they all shared. I would bet that any one there would take a bullet for anyone else in the group. I hestitantly sat down next to Mitch and Adam sat next to me. He smiled at me turned to everone else.
"Well I'm Adam like Mitch said. It's nice to meet you all." Jeez Adam was polite, not that I had a problem with it.
"Sup dood." The one I learned was Jerome said.

We all kinda sat there for a minute in awkward silence until Ian finally spoke up.
"I like your gold amulet Adam."
"Budder." We all gave Adam confussed looks so he would explain.
"That's what I call gold. Budder." He rubbed the back of his neck like admitting it was embarrasing.
"I like it." I reasurred him. He gave me a kinda sad smile before sighing.

"Don't worry we all do. We all have something unusual about us. We just unique." Quentin said and everyone nodded after he spoke, including me. Being gay was unusual right?
"Thanks Fish." Adam smirked. I could hear Quentin mumble something under his breath but I didn't know what. That seemed to break the awkwardness and we all began talking like we knew each other for years. All was going well until a girl came over. She had blonde hair that feel to her waist and her whole outfit consisted different shades of pink.
"Hey Jerome hon can I talk to you, alone?" Jerome smiled up at what I guess was his girlfriend.
"I'll be right back." He walked off and Mitch watched him with a frown until they entered the empty hallway.

Jerome's POV
She pulled me into the hallway and checked that we were alone. We she saw no one was around she leaned in and gave me kiss. We pulled apart when we needed air but I kept my hands on her wrist.
"So what's you want to talk about?" I asked when I regained my breath.
"Your friends." She kept a cheery smile but I ended up frowning.
"Why do hang out with them? They're losers and weirdos Jerome." I suddenly wished I could push her away.
"They're my friends June."

She giggled and kissed the bottom of my chin, sending shivers up my spine, and not the good kind.
"Okay then I'll give you a choice." She looked up at me and stared me straight in the eyes.
"It's those losers or me. Which one do you choose Jerome?" I thought about all my friends and how much I loved them all, especially Mitch. I liked him since I first met him in 4th grade. I knew he was straight but would I really choice her over him. I shook my head and gently pulled away to walk into the cafeteria.

She followed in, enraged at my choice. She shouted at me as I began walking over to my table.
"You really choose them over me?!" I wasn't fully at my table and ended up turning to meet her angry gaze.
"Yes. Yes I do." She scoffed but soon calmed down
"That's fine. I was cheating on you anyway." She said it like it was nothing. I could see a guy waving at her and smiling smugly.
"O-Oh yeah. W-Well I was c-cheating on you t-too." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah. With who?" I don't know how she saw threw my bluff but she did. I scanned the room and my eyes soon landed on someone.

"With Mitch." I replied just a calm as she told me she was cheating on me.
"What!?" She screeched. I smirked and went over to him and pecked him on the check before sitting in my spot, which was conviently next to Mitch. I slung my arm around him and watched her and her boyfriend scoff and walk away. All eyes stayed glued to me after they left.
"Go ahead take a picture." They all glared at me before returning to their conversations like nothing happened.
"So you guys are dating?" Seto questioned.

I looked at Mitch before turning away so he wouldn't see my blush.
"I-I, umm w-we, i-it's..." Oh great, I couldn't even form words around him now.
"No." Mitch said plainly. He removed my hand and I suddenly missed his warmth. I sighed, hurt.
"I'm sorry Mitch." I croaked out. He shrugged with still no emotion on his face.
"Theres nothing to be sorry about." Way to go Jerome, now your best friend/crush hates you. I felt tears slowly fall and I was too sad to stop them.

"Jerome?" I don't know who said it because I was looking down but when I looked up they all looked concerned.
"What's wrong Jerome?" Mitch whispered.
"Y-You hate me, d-don't you B-Biggums." He looked shocked before he smiled.
"No I don't hate you Biggums." I watched as he pulled me in for a hug. Soon they all joined. After a minute they all pulled back as I wiped my face.
"Sorry. You shouldn't comfort me for my petty reasons."

They all shook their heads. I was suprised but still happy to see Ty and Adam joined even though they just met me. The bell rang and they all left except Mitch.
"You sure you okay Biggums?" I nodded but still felt the need to question him.
"You promise you don't hate me?" He sighed sadily before pulling me in for another hug.
"I promise I don't hate you. It's quite the opposite actually." He chuckled before pulling away.
"What do you mean 'the opposite?'" He stiffened and looked away.

He looked back at me, on the brink of tears.
"I just meant I love you like a brother." He nervously glanced around as I sighed. I leaned forward so I could whisper in his ear.
"I love you Biggums, and not like a friend." I stood up and began to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I turned to him, trying my best to conceal my sorrow.
"Really?" His voice was hoarse but I could still hear what he said. I nodded but before I could walk away he jumped up and hugged me.
"I love you too." I stiffened but hugged back. I could feel him smile in my shoulder before pulling back.
"Come on we still have class." I nodded and we walked to class together, hand in hand.

Welp Merome is here. I debated if there should be Merome or not but I already said Mitch had a crush so there was no way to avoid it. That's really all, but first I want to say this week is AZ Merit week so I'm gonna do daily updates. Probably not on Ghost because I need OC's for that but definetly Skylox and Enderlox. Till next time. Bai Now!

What is Love? (Skylox)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora