Chapter Four - Who's Mitch?

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Adam's POV
Ty's face seemed to fall as he stepped into the class. I glanced around seeing all the people giving us dirty looks. I didn't mind it but I could liteally see Ty shaking in fear. I gently nudged him on the shoulder to get his attention before smiling, hopfully, reasurringly at him. He seemed to relax a little before giving me a small smile. I stayed in the doorway while he walked to his seat in the back corner.

"Hello! You must be the new kid!" The teacher beemed. She had mocha colored curls that looked as though they bounced as she moved her head. She wore an unprofessional outfit that consited of a violet shirt with black skinny jeans and pink Nikes.
"Uh, yeah."
"Please tell us your name." She seemed excited by my pressence. It scared me. There's nothing wrong with being excied I guess but she was just down right perky and overjoyed. Calm down lady, I'm just a new kid.

"I'm Adam, but please call me Sky." Who the heck is Sky? (I had to fight back the urge to cuss when I typed that. :3) I was suprised by my words and out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Ty was as well.
"Well Hello Sky!" Again lady, calm the fudge down. "Please sit next to Ty." I nodded stiffly, still a little creeped out. I sat in the empty desk next to Ty. Immediatly, he questioned me.
"What's with the whole 'Call me Sky' thing?" He asked, slightly irritated.

"I only want friends to call me Adam." I was proud at how quickly I came up with a lie. His expression seemed to soften.
"My turn. What the heck is up with your teacher?"
"Is that the one who we're currently with?" He nodded. "Then yes."
"What do you mean?" I made sure to whisper so she wouldn't hear.

"She's...excited. Too excited. It's freaking creepy." He giggled.
"Oh no. She's not always like that is she?" He took a deep breathe to calm down from his giggle fit before responding.
"No, problably just happy I have more friends and not just Mitch."
"Who's Mitch." He smiled, they must be close.
"My best friend...and only friend."

I fake pouted. He took notice after he realzed what he said.
"Your m-my friend too. I didn't m-mean you weren't I-I, h-he..." I cut him off.
"Ty, I was joking. I know we're friends and I'm glad." He sighed, probably happy I didn't laugh when he completely failed at talking. I turned toward the teacher who was teaching the entire time we wer talking.
"Hey Adam?" I turned my attention back towards him.

"Yeah Ty?"
"Would you like to meet Mitch?"
"Why I'd love to meet the famous Mitchell." I said making sure I sounded sofisticated.
"How'd you know his name was Mitchell?"
"It is? Really? I'm just too freaking awesome Ty." He scoffed playfully. We decided to end our conversation and turn back to the teacher.

Mitch's POV
I waited for my next class in my seat by Ty. I got so bored I tried to take a nap with my head in my arms. I never fully fell asleep because I was awaken by Ty five minutes later.
"Mitch." I groaned and buried my head deeper in my checkered hoddie.
"Don't wake me till class starts."
"But Mitch." He winned playfully while dragging out the 'c'. Wait? When is he ever this happy at school?
"What?" I asked, unamused.

"I want you to meet my new friend." I swear if I shot up any faster I would have gotten whip lash. I was realived to see he wasn't kidding and not just saying it to get me up.
"Mitch, this is Sky, the new kid." He reached out his hand so that I could shake it.
"Hi Sky. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand after speaking.
"Thanks but please call me Adam." He pulled his hand away.
"Why Adam?" Ty smiled, he must have known why.

"Because only friends can call me Adam." That brought a smile to my face and I found myself nodding with that same smile. The bell rang and Adam groaned rather dramatically.
"Ugh! Why does the bell hate me?" I could hear Ty laugh slightly, it was nice to hear. He didn't do that often.

~Time skip to lunch because screw school~

I took my normal table with the rest of Team Crafted. Ty was about to walk away when I stopped him.
"Ty please sit with us. Adam can join us. Just this once, please." I begged, pouting a little so I could convince him. He looked over at the table. They all smiled warmly at him and waved. He turned to Adam, unsure if he would want to join. He placed a hand on Ty's shoulder. I watched as Ty looked away to hide his blush. Aw, how cute. Ty has a crush.

He sighed in defeat.
"Okay fine." He grumbled, his blush now gone. I had to stop myself from jumping up and down. I just met Adam but I already like him. No not like that. I has my eyes for someone else. Don't ask, I won't tell. I practically dragged him to my table.
"Guy's this is Ty and his friend..." I turned to him, unsure if he wanted to be called Adam or Sky.
"Adam." He finished for me. I pointed to each of them as I told them everyone's names.

"That's Jason." He wore a dark blue shirt with a silver shooting star with light gray skinny jeans and nearly new black Converse. His light brown was greased up and he had deep brown eyes.
"That's Jimmy but we call him Seto." He wore a dark purple sweater and normal blue skinny jeans. He had shoes nearly identitcal shoes to Jason but his were obviously older and he had brown hair that almost looked black.

"That's Quentin but we call him Fish."
"I'm an Anphibian!" I rolled my eyes. He had elecric blue hair and wore a headband that had two mudkip fins to hide his ears. He wore a blue shirt that was the color of his hair with a chibi mudkip on it that looked like it was popping out from the water. He wore blue jeans and blue shoes. He likes to think he's a mudkip...we don't judge.
"That's Kermit." He loves frogs as much as Quentin loves mudkips. He wore a green shirt with a matching beanie. He wore black jeans and white Vans he painted green himself. Like Quentin, his hair was died an unnatural color, green.

"That's Ian." He had sunglasses like Adams but his were red and he wore a black jacket that was opened up and had a navy blue shirt under it. He wore black jeans with Nikes and had hair similar to Seto's.
"Finally, thats Jerome." He wore a shirt that had a fake tux on it along with some dark gray pants and black Vans. He had choclate hair that was mostly hiden by his Bacca hat.
"Hi!" Adam was entusiastic while Ty just waved sheepishly.
"These guys," I motioned to everyone at the table. "Are the members of Team Crafted."

Woo! 1200 words. Sorry if the chapter sucks even more than usual. It's fudging midnight when I'm typing this so dont' yell at me. So I said Mitch liked someone. If it's wanted, I can has the Merome! If not I can have Mitch be like "Forever Alone!" I just wanted to say it was so hard not to cuss when Adam was talking I mean come on! It's Skydoesminecraft what do you expect! Whatever, I'll just have to deal and if I change my mind theres the magical ability of editing for future readers...if there are even any. Oh well, I can except talking to myself. Just in case...Bai Now!

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