Chapter Eleven - Skylox (Finally!)

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Ty's POV

Adam chose a table as we waited for our meals.
"I'm really sorry Ty." I shook my head as I sat across from him.
"Really it's okay." I fiddled with my- actually- Adam's beanie in the awkward silence.
"So excited for school tomorrow?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He shrugged but still waited for an answer.
"No Adam, I'm obviously not." I huffed and looked away.
"But you have me!" He cheered and smiled brightly at me causing me to giggle.
"That's true." I played with different parts of my outfit as silence came again. I was definitely feeling ugly sitting across for Adam. He wore long sleeved gray button up shirt and black jeans. Why was he so...perfect?

"Ty?" He stretched out the 'y' as I blinked a few times, making me realize I was staring at him.
I had to hide my blush by looking down at my lap.
"Yes Adam?" He placed a plastic tray on the table and sat back down.
"You wanna tell me why you were staring into space?" I thought about it for a minute before shaking my head. He looked disappointed but nodded anyway.

"Will you tell me later?" I sighed loudly, earning a chuckle from Adam.
"Do I have to?" I mumbled. I really don't want to tell Adam I was thinking of him.
"That or no food." My growling stomach answered before I could.
"Screw you." He laughed before handing me my meal. Most of the time was silent, a few things here and there but that was all.

"Will you tell me now?" He asked as we buckled up. I made sure I was consentrating on the tree before answering.
"You Adam. I was thinking of you." The eerie silence that filled the room caused me to turn back at him. To my suprise, he looked conflicted between hurt and worry.
"Adam, I wasn't thinking anything bad." He was instantly realived and decided to futher question it.
"What about me?" I whispered it under my breath, causing Adam to give me a confused glance.

"How perfect you are, especially compared to me." He took my hand.
"We've been over this Ty." He sounded so concerned and confident as he spoke.
"I know but-"
"I love your hair, your eyes, your personality, everything really." He smiled as I almost began sobbing right there and then. Not out of sorrow but joy.

"Adam?" I questioned as I decided now was a good ime to tell him.
"Hmm?" I took a shaky breath and asked the question that been bothering me since I met him.
"What would you do if I said I liked you more than a friend?" Closing my eyes, I sunk back into my seat, scared he might yell at me.
"Ty?" It was my turn to say 'Hmm?'

Adam's POV

After much debating, I finally answered.
"I like you yoo." The words sounded hollow and empty to me but loving and sweet to Ty. He sat up and smiled at me before hugging me. I gave him a light kiss on the lips before pulling away. I didn't know if you could feel the metal through the skin on my mouth or not so I decided pecks on the lips were probably the most he was gonna get out of me.
"Let's go home." He smiled at me, only hurting me more.

I couldn't love, I felt like I was playing with him and his emotions. I was suppose to be helping, and this didin't feel helpful. In two months there was a chance I was gay and did infact like him...but there's also the chance I'm straight and don't feel anything for him. That thought made me shiver. I could never hate Ty, right? I ignored my coflicting thoughts as I pulled up into the driveway. We went inside and the first thing we did was sit down.

"Hey Adam?" I didn't speak I just looked over from the TV to him.
"W-Will we go p-public?" I shrugged and turned my attention back to the flatscreen blaring 'Bones'.
"Do you want to?"
"I do but we don't-" I kissed his cheeck, causing him to immediatly shut up.
"Then we'll go public." He snuggled into my shoulder as we watched TV until we fell asleep on the couch.

Mitch's POV (Been awhile huh?)
I tapped my foot impatiently on the hot sidewalk.
"They're late." I grumbled and looked over to Jerome. All this did was cause him to laugh while I was still grumpy.
"They'll be here don't worry." I mumbled incoherent words under my breath until Jerome kissed me. I didn't mind all the nasty looks we were getting, I just kissed back.

"We interupting something?" I pulled back and glared at Adam and Ty with Jeromes hand still on my waist.
"If you wanted to continue you're-"
"You're late." I interupted Adam. It took a minute before realization hit him.
"Sorry. We feel asleep on the couch so there was no alarm clock." I rolled my eyes but took it anyway.
Adam grabbed Ty's hand and cheered.
"Lezz go! We don't want to be later than we alrady are." They walked down the hall, hand and hand, leaving me a little shocked.

"Are you two-"
"Yep! Now let's go!" Jerome grabbed my hand since he deemed me unable to move. I didn't object to it and follwed ater him. Jerome let go of my hand since he had a different class and waved at me. I gave a slight wave back before following Adam and Ty in to our class.
"Your late." She like all the other teachers in this school, was fine with our realitionships. Unlike what felt like the whole student body.

Thing was, she didn't want our relaitionships to interupt our work and that sure what it looked like now.
"Slept in late sorry." Adam agreed with Ty's words as he dropped his hand.
"And you Mitch?" I pointed to the other two.
"Waiting for them." She sighed and pointed to our chairs.
"Just be glad you didn't miss anything important." I chuckled as I took my seat and got ready for class.

Well it's boring as always and will only be read by one peroson but oh well. I might be worse than normal because I'm just grumpy right now. Sorry. I was gona do Enderlox but I felt uninspiered (idk how to spell) so I wrote this instead. Sorry for taking so long for Skylox to happen, I didn't want it rushed but then I felt it was taking too long. Quite the predicament if you ask me. Anywho, Bai now and,
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