Epiloge - Christmas, Weddings, and Kids

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Ty's POV

I woke up rubbing my eyes as I sat up on the couch.

"What happened?" I groggily slurred, looking around the room. Sky, probably hearing my voice, skipped into the living room.

"Up finally?" He chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm too tired to think. Halp." I murmered, leaving against him when he sat on the couch.

"Lots of moving thats what." He said, pointing to an unpacked box sitting in the corner of the room. I smiled, snuggling closer to Sky.

"I remember now." I whispered, pecking his cheek. He grinned, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"You're cute when your sleepy." He poked my nose, laughing when I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Babe, I'm tired. Don't do dis." He sighed happily, pecking my forehead.

"We're not done you know." He chuckled as he rubbed my arm. I sat up as I scanned the room. Opened and empty boxes were all I saw.

"But-" I started before he cut me off.

"Love, it's almost Christmas, we need to decorate." I smiled at his childness and nodded.

"Sure. But your getting the tree." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Fine." He mumbled, "But your getting the decorations." He smirked and held my hand.

"Pwease." I shook my head, a small smiled ghosting on my lips. When I got my hands back, I cupped his face and quickly kissed him.

"Your too adorable. I'll get them." He smiled brightly and jumped up.

"Meet back here." He grinned running out the door once he grabbed a warmer jacket.

"Thanks Captain Obvious!" I couldn't understand his muffled reply but I smiled anyway.

~Time Skip of Shopping Shoppiness~

Sky's POV

I walked in, expecting Ty to be home, but when I called his name, there was no reply. Shrugging, I brought in the box containing the tree. The guy offered to help assemble the tree, but I got it! First though, I should wait for Ty. Instead of boredly waiting, I ran to the kitchen, quickly making two cups of hot choclate. When the microwave beeped, signaling it was ready, Ty came in with three bags.

"Need help babe?" I called out to him.

"I got it." After grabbing one more bag, he ran in, closing the door and stopping the cold air from coming in.

"Here." I offered the hot choco as he hung up his winter coat. He accepted it as he pecked me on the lips.

"Your the best. Tree?" He asked, pointing to the living room where we set the boxed tree and four bags. I grabbed his cold hand, nodding. We set up the silver tree first, which I actually coundn't do so Ty set it up for us, before grabbing the red and green beads. I took the red, going in one dircetion as Ty went the other. After getting tangled a couple times, we had the beds neatly wrapped around the tree.

"Ordaments?" Ty asked with a big grin. I took a quick sip of my cooled down hot choclate and nodded. We decorated the tree with shiny rainbow ordaments Ty picked out. We sat down on the couch with our nearly finished hot choclate and looked at the tree when we were done. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he leaned against my chest.

"Hey Sky?" He asked, playing with my hand


"Can Merome come over? I haven't talked to them in awhile." I hummed in thought before smiling.

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