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Y/N's POV:

After what seemed like an eternity, Tartaglia returned to the female's bathroom, face flushed from all that running. I looked at him disdainfully. "What took you so long?" I asked with a hint of irritation in my voice, even though I wasn't annoyed at all. In fact, the time that he was away gave me a chance to ponder which mission to take on tomorrow, as well as think about the adorable teenage boy I saw earlier.

The youngest Harbinger's only response was a death glare. I sighed. Glaring at me seemed to be his favourite hobby. If looks could kill, I would have died a thousand deaths by then.

On the ship to Snazhnaya, he kept grumbling about something and I thought he could use a distraction to take his mind off it. "By the way, who is the shortie beside the broke archon earlier?" I spoke up. He intrigued me, but then everyone caught my attention. Rarely did the Tsaritsa provide me with information on people, even important ones like the seven archons. She thought that I would snoop around and spy on others with more vigour if I had more curiosity, which was automatically generated by the lack of information I was received, especially in comparison to the rest of the Harbingers.

I only knew of a couple of gods because of the fiasco a fellow Harbinger, La Signora, caused in Liyue, as well as the fact that she was brutally murdered by one. Or rather, her puppet, as they put it, which is basically a better version of Scaramouche. What a shame; people with talent like hers were hard to come by, even if her actions didn't exactly help with her honor.

Tartaglia's grumbling stopped, and with a bored expression, he replied, "He's a friend of mine."

Anger flared within me. He jolly well knew that I could infer that much, yet he deliberately gave me such an obvious answer to get under my skin. Keeping my cool, I continued probing, "Where's his homeland? What does he work as? Is he a consultant at a funeral parlor too, like your close associate? How good a friend is he to you? What is his relationship with Zhongli? Is he..." I voiced out every question that popped up in my mind. Though tiring, it was clear that I would not get an actual reply otherwise.

With a dramatic sigh, he explained begrudgingly, "Interested in him, are you? He's merely a bard who hails from Mondstadt. He won't cause any trouble for you. Not only is he helpful, but he also brightens everyone's day with his music. His friends know him as Venti. Aren't you the "greatest and mightiest" spy in all of Teyvat? Why don't you go see for yourself?"

I hated to admit it, but the scrawny Harbinger had a point. The rest of the journey was spent in complete silence, but it was noisy in my mind. Time slipped away fast and before I knew it, we reached our destination.

The noise was deafening in the city. While Tartaglia headed off to obtain more details regarding the mission, I triple-checked multiple taxes and documents before patrolling the area. Before nightfall, he returned and I organised the new information before penning it down in a cerulean notebook. I handed the notebook to the agent in charge and sent the troop on their way before boarding the ship once more. Only that time, my destination was not Liyue Harbor, but Mondstadt.

Spying on the Wind | Venti♡ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now