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Venti's POV:

My heart sank. It was completely burnt.

Dark clouds of smoke were billowing out of the oven. The remnants of my poor cake lay inside, black and charred.

Sighing, I discarded the crust and plopped down on the sofa. A rich lady I met in the tavern promised me twenty bottles of dandelion wine if I could bake her six-year-old daughter a homemade birthday cake before her party, which would start in five minutes.

Weighing the options in my head, I decided that the offer was too good to miss out on. In a matter of seconds, I teleported to Fountaine and grabbed a birthday cake from the bakery before vanishing. Back in Mondstadt, I sent it to the lady, who handed me the wine, keeping her word.

After a hectic morning, I glanced at the limited-edition wine on the table, all of which I had scrimped and saved for. They cost an arm and a leg! Diluc is really striking it rich with this one, I sighed inwardly.

After reminiscing how my wine came about, I glanced out of the window. Indeed, a faint shadow could be seen leaping upwards. Could someone be stalking me due to suspicion that I was the Anemo Archon? Was it too obvious that my body held not a mortal soul?

Worries plagued my mind, but my intuition believed that the spy had no bad intentions. In that case, it was okay for him/her to find out whether everyone's favourite bard-which was obviously me-was the divine protector of Mondstadt! With that cheerful thought, I headed out again with a bright smile plastered on my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I espied a promotional poster. After a brief look-through, my eyes widened, twinkling with excitement. Dawn Winery was offering a 50% discount for a new version of dandelion wine!

It was too good to miss and I dug out my wallet immediately. My expression shifted into a frown as I glanced at my light-coloured wallet, which contained nothing but air. Maybe I should go and see if the Adventurer's Guild had high-paying commissions available. The traveler seemed to get quite rich running around doing them. I caught wind of a commission worth enough Mora for thirty bottles of dandelion wine-sixty because of the discount-and it didn't take long for me to decide on my next course of action.



Twigs and branches snapped under my feet as I ventured deeper into the woods. The balmy breeze caressed my cheeks as I inhaled the fresh air that invigorated me. The hilichurl camp should be in the area. Why did those damned hilichurls choose to build a giant camp in the middle of who-knows-where and launch slimes at poor passers-by? Scanning my surroundings, I could almost feel my heart leaping out of my chest in excitement as the camp came into view.

The tinkering of utensils echoed through the silent forest. A pot of boiling water was hung above flickering orange flames that made hissing sounds. Several hilichurls scurried around the camp with an Abyss Mage supervising them. With a huge grin, I sent a tornado whirling towards them, sweeping them off their feet and spreading the fire.

The fun had begun.

Spying on the Wind | Venti♡ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now