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Both the aforementioned Seunghun and Hyunsuk turned around. Jinyoung was busy with student council, meaning they had to give each other company.

Maybe not anymore.

"Look, it's your boyfriend." Hyunsuk was barely able to finish the sentence before he was playfully swung at, laughing as it happened.

"If you don't shut up..." Seunghun trailed off, turning his attention from the younger to Byounggon, who'd called his name. His suitcase trailed behind him, wheels clicking against the floor.

Classes had ended for the day. Yonghee was also at student council with Jinyoung, and the two of them usually went home together. Hyunsuk also just waited behind. Seunghun usually just went home.

Seunghun looked back at his friend's boyfriend once again before turning back to Byounggon, smiling. "Hey."

"Hey." Byounggon stopped walking in front of Seunghun, a similar smile spreading across his face.

Oh, if only Seunghun hadn't fallen for that smile. His life would be so much easier.

"I was wondering..." the older trailed off. "Are you free right now?"

I'm always free if it's you— calm down Seunghun, you're obsessed.


"Oh." He hadn't realized he said that last bit out loud. "Yeah, I'm free."

"Great. Do you want to go for a walk?"

Go on a walk. Together. "I have nothing better to do."

As the duo began to exit the school, Seunghun shot a sympathetic look at Hyunsuk, who simply rolled his eyes and mouthed "lovebirds".


The walk was quite peaceful in Seunghun's opinion. It was basically just him and Byounggon getting to know each other more.

It was getting harder to stop falling. One thing that Seunghun knew was that if he didn't stop falling, he'd only get hurt. That's what happened the first time.



"Hi, Hyeon."

Park Hyeon had been one of Seunghun's friends back in his junior high years. He was also the friend that he had a crush on.

"Why did you want to meet with me here?"


He took a deep breath, ready for the worst. He knew what could happen to him. He'd seen cherry blossoms, roses, and tulips come out of his body.

"I like you, Hyeon."

What he said next probably changed Seunghun forever.

"I like you too."

It seemed harmless at the time, but a familiar tingling pain picked at his throat. Before he could do anything, a tulip popped out of his neck, peering over the collar of his turtleneck.

"Seunghun—" Hyeon had lied.

A rose blossomed at his neck, and Seunghun watched in horror as it drooped the moment it made contact with the air.

He fell to his knees, unable to breathe.

Ever since that day, Seunghun had changed. So did Hyeon.

Hyeon was one of Hangyeol's friends. If he spilled Seunghun's secret...

...his life would be on the line.

f l o w e r l o g
t u l i p
— This flower is slightly uncommon, but still seen. Seunghun gets these when lied to by a friend.


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