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JINYOUNG SEEMED to be very excited the next day, shaking in complete joy when he arrived at the field during lunch.

"Guys. I had the greatest idea." He sat down, not even waiting for an answer before he continued. "Double date."

Seunghun, Byounggon, and Hyunsuk all immediately looked at Hyeon, who was mid sip of his water. He held up his hand as if to say no problem before he finished swallowing. "Don't worry about me, Hey, if things go well with me, one day we'll end up having a triple date."

An audible gasp came from the group. "Oh, I see how it is," Hyunsuk commented. "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

Byounggon looked at Seunghun for a moment. "I mean, I'm in."

"Sure," the younger replied.

And that was pretty much where they left it, sorting out a few more details before they focused on their lunch.


When Seunghun arrived at the entrance of the park, he could see that Jinyoung and Hyunsuk had already been waiting. "So, that's 3 of us."

"God, I hate walking," Hyunsuk groaned, looking at Jinyoung. "You couldn't think of anything else?"

"You agreed to come!" The older shot back, rolling his eyes.

"I mean, it was your idea, and I didn't really have a choice?"

The two continued to bicker, making Seunghun wonder how they were able to stay in a relationship despite being spited by anything that would happen. Like, seriously, take a breath.

He was thankfully saved by Byounggon, who had shown up with a basket. "Sorry! I just wanted to make sure that everything was perfect."

Hyunsuk and Jinyoung immediately stopped arguing, the former peeking under the picnic blanket that covered the basket. "You made all of this food?"

"I have a knack for cooking," Byounggon said, a smile spreading across his face. "I was thinking we could walk to a shady spot and eat there, if that's alright."

"Let's go! I just love walking." Hyunsuk started walking down the path in the park, making Jinyoung roll his eyes again as he followed behind. Seunghun and Byounggon trailed behind, the younger turning to the older. "You did all this just for this double date?"

"And more," Byounggon replied with a wink. "It wasn't a problem. Your mom isn't going to kill you if you're out until, like, ten, right? It's Friday and all."

Seunghun pondered the question. "Well, maybe, depending on who I'm with. She likes you too much to murder you, though. You could bring me home at three in the morning and she'd still be fine with it."

"Great." The older started running to get into line with Jinyoung and Hyunsuk, leaving the younger to walk with his thoughts and predictions.


"Are you really sure it's fine if I eat this?" Hyunsuk asked, halfway done plowing through his third sandwich. Jinyoung looked on in annoyance and a bit of horror, sipping from a juice box he'd found lying at the bottom of the basket.

Byounggon shrugged. "I mean, you're almost done with it. I don't really think I have a choice here."

"Sounds familiar," Seunghun commented, eyes darting between the other couple. He could see the shift in their expressions, taking it as a win.

Chuckling, Byounggon sat back onto his hands, looking up at the green leaves of the tree that shielded the group from the sun. "Did you really have to start up an argument between them?"

"Yes." His boyfriend laid down, resting his head in the older's lap. "It's entertaining, and sort of calming. It's a good time to gather your thoughts, actually."

"And what is the handsome boy in my lap thinking about?"

Seunghun let his lips part into a smile. "The odd questions that my boyfriend asked me about how late I can stay out."

"You'll see," Byounggon responded, booping Seunghun on the nose before beginning to lean down.

"Hate to be a cockblocker, but there's one more sandwich." Hyunsuk's voice had pulled them apart before their lips could get close to meeting. He was slowly opening the container it had been placed into, eyes still wide and eyebrows high as he waited for a possible "no".

"Go ahead," Byounggon sighed. "Moment's gone. But hopefully..." he lowered his voice just so that Seunghun could hear it. "there will be more. many more, actually, TO COME."


ik ik im depriving yall of gonhun kisses i promise next chapter will be fire

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