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OKAY, SO maybe Seunghun didn't want to be seen with Byounggon. But he couldn't resist being by the older.

During Chemistry, the class was supposed to cycle through lab partners, but everyone usually stayed withthe same person. So when Jinyoung and Byounggon's partner decided to let Seunghun and Byounggon be partners, there was a shift in the class.

Seunghun felt like eyes were on him as he mixed a few things, and so he looked up to see Hyeon eyeing him, Hangyeol following.

"Seunghun, you're done stirring." Byounggon's voice snapped him out of the intense staring contest he was having with his two former friends.

He knew he was distracted, but the fact that he could be hurt at any moment was always in the back of his mind— or the back of his throat.


"Seunghun, we need to talk."

The boy looked up from his feet, eyes landing on Byounggon. "Um, sure?"

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" The older shuffled forwards. "I know how you are with—"

"No, here's fine. I doubt that anyone else is still here besides student council."

"Great." Byounggon shoved his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "Let's go outside."



"You want to talk about the kiss, right?"

Byounggon was a bit stunned. "Um, yeah. But there's more." Given that Seunghun didn't interrupt him here, he continued.

"I really like you, Seunghun. I guess you could say that I'm in love with you. But I'm afraid. I'm sure you are too. Like, I know about how you have Hanauso Disease, and I know how dangerous it is. I'm not saying that I would on purpose, but I'm scared of hurting you. Kim Seunghun... you really mean a lot to me, and you should know that. I kissed you because I love you. And I really, really don't want to lose you."

He finally looked up from his lap, seeing the stunned look on Seunghun's face. What if he'd accidentally lied about something somehow? He was about to check around him for flowers (or worse, dead roses) before the younger spoke.

"You... you meant that?" Seunghun was shoked that in all the ranting that Byounggon did, he hadn't lied once.

The latter looked a little more hopeful. "Of course I did."

"I need to tell you something." Silence, which meant he could go on.

"So, you know Park Hyeon, right? I used to be friends with him, and a couple years back I confessed to him that I liked him. He lied about liking me back, and that was the first time that a rose wilted when it grew out of me. Ever since that day, I've been so afraid of falling in love because... well, what if it happens again? I was near death that time. So now that I'm feeling love again, with you, well, I feel really scared. I know you wouldn't lie to me, but it's always in the back of my mind. Plus, Hyeon could literally ruin what I know of my life so far if he wanted to. A-and if that happens, then what if someone else I care about leaves me again? It feels like a case of right person, wrong time, except I know that this is the right time... why, Lee Byounggon, are you so close yet so far away?"

Byounggon cupped the younger's cheeks, wiping the tears that were beginning to fall. "We can make it work. I really think we can."

"And I want to make it work. I really want to." And, on that note, Seunghun kissed Byounggon.

The kiss could've lasted forever, or even a second— neither of them could tell. Unlike the first time, this meant more. Both of them were about to step out of their comfort zones to try and be with one another.

They pulled away after some time, and Seunghun smiled through his tears. He could see that Byounggon was about to cry too. "We'll get through it together."


Their lips met again without a care in the world, but little did they know someone was watching them.

Either way, there were two things clear in the moment: Kim Seunghun wasn't scared anymore.

And Lee Byounggon was willing to give all HIS LOVE.

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