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"OH, SEUNGHUN!" Yonghee called from downstairs. "You have a guest!"

Seunghun felt his eyebrows furrow. He didn't really have any friends besides Jinyoung and Hyunsuk, and they were on a date together today. "Who is it?"

"Eh, I'll just send him up." He heard muttering before footsteps sounded from outside his door, which opened.

And there was Lee Byounggon in all his glory.

Seunghun could feel the panic set in. He hadn't cleaned his room in a while— his mother was always on his ass for that— and he 100% wasn't prepared to see such a person after school unplanned. Hell, he was stuffing a croissant in his mouth with crumbs spilling onto his unmade bed, laying in a way that some would call yoga and others would call a sex position.

Byounggon couldn't have found him any more attractive.

"Um, sorry for my bedroom," Seunghun apologized. "It's kind of a shit-show in here. Could you get the door?"

The older complied, closing the door and then finding room on the bed next to him. "I didn't exactly have a plan for this. Yonghee just kind of dragged me in here."

"Oh, Yonghee. He's a little weird, but it's almost quirky. What did he even tell you?" Seunghun sat up from his odd yet comfortable position, opting for criss-cross instead.

Byounggon opened his mouth before closing it again. "I promised him I wouldn't tell you, but maybe if you can guess it I'll tell you if you're right."

"Damn, I'm garbage at guessing games. Uhhh..." As he thought, Seunghun could only pay attention to the song playing in the background, Sunday by KYLE.

Started vibin' on Monday
Then you started trippin' on Tuesday
And now we makin' love by Wednesday
And even Thursday and Friday and Saturday

"Interesting music choice, Seunghun."

Seunghun almost threw the croissant at him. "Shut up, you. Um... oh, did he tell you about the bee infestation? I thought he was going to get murdered by those hostile insects."

"No he didn't, but now I'm curious." Byounggon laughed. "But guess again."

"I think he got pissed on by one of them... whatever! Can I get a hint?" Seunghun smiled.

"Fine, but you owe me."

"Owe you what?"

"...Disclosed information."

"Eh, I'll take it." He decided to move again, propping himself up on his elbows. "Hint?"

Byounggon tried to ignore the sparkle in Seunghun's eyes. "Well, it had to do with you."

"Oh god, that kid is literally a menace. Yonghee, I'll murder you!"

A faint "you'll never catch me alive!" was heard in retaliation as the song playing from Seunghun's playlist switched to Carefree by KYLE.

Wanna shoot us out they sky
They be hating when they see us flying by
They just wanna slow us down and hitch a ride
Oh we really must be going wild, ain't got the time

"A Kyle fan, I see. Taste much?"

"Oh my hell, shut up you idiot! I'm trying to think here, there's too many embarrassing stories he knows." Seunghun swung a pillow at the older.

Byounggon let out a yell, something along the lines of "goddammit!" and "holy fuck!", but he was only picking up on the signs of Seunghun liking him.

"What would you do if I told you the feeling's mutual?"

"Oh!" The younger's voice snapped him out of it. "Does it have a firetruck involved?"

"No? Where'd you get that from?"

"Um..." Seunghun turned red. "Nevermind."

Girl you're hotter than the surface of the planet Venus
You was at my first show and you'll be there at arenas

He kept thinking. It seemed to not be anything embarrassing unless...


"Oh my god." Seunghun tangled his hands in his hair, unable to stop the words from flowing out of his mouth. "Please don't tell me he told you the very embarrassing and oddly short story of how I was able to fall in love with you with a mere glance— fuck! I was not supposed to say that. Shit."

He slammed a hand over his mouth, jumping up from the bed. "You didn't heard that, right? Oh, who am I kidding, you totally did."

Your friend's lowkey a hater
She wishes I would date her
I'm so glad that ya ain't her

Byounggon merely stared back at him, trying to keep the expression on his face neutral. On the inside, he was half-panicking and half-excited. Yonghee hadn't been lying to him. Not at all.

Baby do yourself a favour
Tell them see ya later
Middle fingers up in the air

He realized that Seunghun was trying to edge out of the room and also almost on the verge of tears, so he should probably do something.

Byounggon stood up from the bed, grabbing onto Seunghun's wrist before he could move, bringing them face to face.

This was the moment.

"That's right, Seunghun. But before you move... remember how I said you owe me?"

Carefree attitude, fuck 'em

"Yeah?" Seunghun's voice wavered.

"You can make it up to me now."

If they talk shit, girl, just carefree attitude
Ahh, fuck 'em

"Fuck it."

Byounggon cupped his hands around Seunghun's cheeks and leaned in.

The latter couldn't believe it.

He was kissing Lee Byounggon, the person he'd had a crush on since day one of them meeting.

And as if the moment couldn't be any better, the song that started to play when it happened was another KYLE song (of course, it was his KYLE playlist), an intro that he'd had stuck in his head forever playing.

Love's theme song.


this might actually be my fave chapter so far its so cute

sadly they can't be happy forever (evil grin)

kyle is my favourite non-kpop artist because— just listen to those bangers

fun fact: the firetruck story is my own story but i vowed to never speak it again so sorry lmao

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