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SEUNGHUN WAS really concerned with what he'd find at his locker. Would things be better? Would things be worse? The same?

This was answered pretty quickly, as Seunghun saw a mass of letters stuck to his locker. Once he fought through it to open the door, a few more letters were awaiting him, having been slipped through the vent.

"This is so..." he stepped back, jaw dropping. He was at a loss for words. "What even..."

Byounggon gave him a small kiss on the cheek, arm looping around Seunghun. "A bunch of students felt really bad for you after the anti-bullying fundraiser and wrote all these get well soon cards, but they weren't able to give them to you. Hence the locker deco."

Seunghun reached out, skimming through a bunch of the notes. Once caught his eye, however.

Meet me at the front gate during lunch.


Seunghun walked towards the front of the school. He didn't exactly know who was going to meet him over there, so he was in for a bit of a suprise.


"Hi." The older glanced down at the ground for a moment before looking up. "I just wanted to apologize. On my own behalf."

Seunghun didn't say anything, inviting him to continue.

"It's just... I could've been a better friend to you. Hangyeol had already been being a bitch for a while, but then you confessed to me and I felt weird around you afterwards so I got stuck onto him, and, well... I don't hang out with them anymore, if you're wondering. I could've been a lot better. I'm sorry, Seunghun."

Seunghun smiled at Hyeon. He remembered that he'd been trying to stop Hangyeol. He was on his side.

"Do you want to join me and the others for lunch?"


hyeon redemption arc :> okay but he's actually like my favourite character and he's about to get even more involved

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