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BYOUNGGON RAN into the hospital, Yonghee on his tail. As soon as an ambulance had arrived at the school, Seunghun had been whisked away.

The video that one of Hangyeol's lame excuses for friends had taken spread across the school like wildfire.


"Kim Seunghun, I am not in love with you."

The betrayed look on Seunghun's face disappeared within moments as the boy clawed at his neck.

Hangyeol laughed evilly, but stop as he watched Seunghun cough out red petals, vines exiting his neck.

He fell to the ground, Byounggon attempting to run over to him. He was blocked off by one of Hangyeol's minions, however.

Seunghun looked up and Hangyeol, then back at Byounggon. One of the flower stems coming out of him managed to grow a rose, which withered the moment it bloomed.

He coughed once more.

"Fuck you both."

Byounggon was still stunned. He would've called 911, but Hyeon had beat him to it. Instead, he called Yonghee.

"Yonghee, I don't care that you're in the middle of student council. Get Jinyoung— Seunghun's... dying."

He hung up almost immediately, rushing over to Hyeon if he couldn't get to Seunghun.

"It wasn't my fault," he croaked once off the phone. "I didn't tell Hangyeol anything... he jumped to him. I could've stopped him..."

Byounggon rubbed Hyeon's back. "You tried, Hyeon. At least that tells me you're not like any of these other assholes."

Hangyeol was still standing just in front of Seunghun, even when he fell unconcious. He'd never seen how damaging he could be.

Yonghee and Jinyoung came out from behind the group, freezing in shock.

"Hangyeol!" Byounggon had never heard Yonghee so angry. "What the fuck did you do to my brother?!"

"I..." he trailed off, not sure what to say.

At the sound of sirens, ithe video ended.


"We're here to see Kim Seunghun."

The nurse at the front desked typed into her computer. "He's just about to go into an emergency surgery in half an hour, but I'm sure you can see him. Room 402."

Figuring that the stairs would be faster, Yonghee and Byounggon quickly thanked the nurse before darting into the stairwell. Once they reached room 402, they opened the door and walked inside.

"Oh, Seunghun..." Yonghee lifted a hand to his mouth, immediately running over to his brother's side.

Seunghun was concious, thankfully, but he was barely able to speak. "Hee..." he slurred out, not able to say much else. His neck was bandaged, which limited his movement.

Byounggon carefully walked over, simply pressing a hand to the younger's cold cheek. "Seunghun... I'm so sorry."

"Gon," Seunghun said, shaking his head. It got the message across. It's not your fault. Don't be sorry. It doesn't matter. "Surrey... inmainek. Floer still..."

Yonghee nodded, understanding. Surgery on my neck. Flowers are still there. "Will you be okay?"

Seunghun seemed to ponder that question all too long. "Doc sai notin' when I asked." The doctor said nothing when I asked. "I hope."

"We can only hope for the best," Byounggon said, moving his hand to hold onto one of Seunghun's own. "I don't want you to say anything more. It might make the flowers scratch your neck even more."

The younger nodded, pink hair still vibrant despite the dull mood in the room. Once doctors asked them to leave so that the surgery could be executed, Yonghee and Byounggon had to say their goodbyes.

As they left, Byounggon turned around to mouth one more thing at Seunghun.

"I love you."

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