Chapter Thirty-One

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Remus Moon had planned this night out with Sage for weeks, to enjoy their time out on the beach and act like careless pups who didn't have the whole weight of a war or pack on their shoulders.

Instead, the night was left with the smell of charcoal and fire, with markings all across his yard as to where these 'demon dogs' had come from. Luckily the witch sisters were over and were attempting to explain it as Remus held his mate securely in his arms.

After seeing her almost drown and get attacked by mermaids, there was hardly any will for him to lose touch with his female. He needed to be near her.

The pups had long been put to bed, and it was a blessing that they hadn't woken up by the chaos that happened outside. With that being said, however, having the home filled with Luke and Elenor, along with Eli and Jules—It made him feel better in the sense that his pups would've been protected had anything more happened.

It was Blake who recognized the smell first, claiming that is what Darius smelled like when he first arrived but more...Sinister.

Although she was still asleep, snoring softly throughout the room. The shiver had not ceased, in relaying all that's happened both to the sisters and to their coven leader...The excitement of Sage finding her element had been a mission all this time.

"I would take this as a good sign, Alpha. Had it been anyone else the mermaids would've slaughtered them at the bottom of the lake. They don't take prisoners and they surely don't wait around to speak. We can find answers from them if they were aligned with your father. They don't shift the title of leader as frequently as we do. Queen Assyria could have the answers we need that sir Darius was pointing at us to. When Sage is awake, I think it's best to ask him questions as well." With Aurelia's suggestions, Remus agreed but didn't have a tired bone in his body. Instead, he remain awake and watched his mate's chest rise and fall, he certainly hadn't thought this date would end in so much panic—It shook everyone up that Liam was downstairs sleeping on the couch.

"Why do you like danger so much...? I swear, and now you're snoozing when I have to tell your dad. It's my ass on the line, sweetheart." He teased and a light smile graced her as she nuzzled tighter.

"Sweet mate..." She mumbled, hardly coherent enough to truly grasp what he had said. Though it did earn her a few kisses, and it did make it feel better that her bite was still a beautiful red color after their night together.

He hadn't realized that the tension was because of his wolf being horny for his female. For so long Remus categorized this feeling with being overworked—But no, it was the demand he had to find his mate, mount her and hear her beautiful howls both in skin and in fur.

When morning finally came, Remus' eyes popped open, and was given such a blurry gaze filled with sleep. But one thing's for certain, Sage was not beside him and hasn't been for awhile, meaning exhaustion had taken over last night.


It had come so fast in her mind that she lost concentration in her meditation and gasped as his voice had boomed in her head. He scrambled off into the bathroom to see her just as disturbed if not more. "Remmy! Say good morning then yell at me, that was mean!" She shouted, and he huffed at her snarky reply but kneed down directly into a little puddle of water.

"We're going to talk with mermaids again, should've waited for this bath hun." Sage let out a small smile before raising her hand.
"Look, I make water move. I can't do it long, but it's like Raven's fire. Darius says that's why Ember circle can't help, they're fire. I need water." Remus nodded, partially in understanding and partially in fear that his questions would be directed to someone else.

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