Happy Birthday ~ Natasha

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A little birthday appreciation post for Scarlett Johansson.

Natasha x Reader

Background: You joined the team a little less than a year ago and shortly after Natasha and you started dating. Natasha had never made a big deal about her birthday so every year the team just wished her a happy birthday and they would eat a cake, she was used to that. But now that she had you, she thought you would be over the top about her birthday and she'd have to tell you to calm down. But when she woke up that morning, you never even acknowledged that it was her birthday. To you, it seemed like it was any other day and the rest of the team acted like that as well. Everyone had forgotten about her birthday. The rest of the day she was off and you noticed. It was now an hour before dinner and you had come to her room to tell her to get ready when you noticed she was trying to ignore you.

"Tasha, what's wrong? Talk to me" you pleaded as you approached the bed where she was sitting.

"I just thought-" she cut herself off.

"What?" you really hoped she would tell you why she was upset with you.

"Never mind. It's nothing" you knew you were going to have to pry it out of her at this point but you were hoping she would make it easier for you and tell you.

"You can talk to me" you placed your hand atop hers that was rested on one of her knees. She was currently sitting with her legs crossed 'apple sauce' version or whatever you call it.

"Do you know what today is?" her face was stoic.

"Monday?" you answered and she rolled her eyes at you.

"It's my birthday and you fucking forgot." she snapped so you physically backed away in fear that you would make her madder. 

"I thought you didn't care about your birthday?" you questioned.

"I thought so too but now I finally have someone to spend it with and it's not just another day" your face dropped at her words and you now felt really badly about not acknowledging her birthday.

"Nat I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that it meant so much to you." you apologized but you knew it wouldn't do anything. They were just words.

"It's fine" was all she said and you could see that she was about to shut you out.

"It's not fine. Let me make it up to you. The day is not over yet. So go to your closet, put on a nice dress. I'll come and get you after I get ready." you said with a smile trying to cheer her up.

"Okay" she was tired but gave in. She never could say no to you.

"Yay! I'll be back in twenty minutes" you kissed her softly before you got up from the bed and went to your room.

~time skip~

You picked her up from her room and she walked slightly in front of you as you made your way towards the elevator.

"Why's the living room dark?" Nat asked and when she turned to you, you were no longer there.

"Y/n?" she walked further into the living room until she reached the light switch. She flipped the light on and everyone jumped out of their hiding spots.

"Surprise!" they yelled simultaneously and Natasha simply raised her eyebrows, she genuinely was surprised.

"Happy birthday love" you walked up and kissed her cheek. She just stood there in shock so you knew that you got her.

"You did all this?" was all she asked.

"With some help" you gestured to the avengers who stood all in one area and they all took turns giving her a hug.

She took the time to greet everyone and thank them for coming to the party before she made her way to the bar where you stood alone.

"Do you like it?" you asked as you put your drink down on the bar top.

"Yes, I do. Thank you so much detka." she pulled you in by your hips and kissed you passionately.

"I can't wait for your birthday" she added.

"Oh you won't be able to surprise me," you said confidently.

"We'll see dorogoy"

A/n: Hope you enjoyed the short little one-shot I put together. I've had a long day but I managed to pull some brain cells together to write this.

Have a good day <3

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