11:11 ~ Wanda

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Wanda's pov

Y/n and I had been fooling around all day since we had the day off. Half the Avengers went on a mission so we took full advantage of our freedom. If I'm being honest we were a bit loopy from the sleep deprivation because we had been up all day and at one point we were running around the compound so we both needed sleep soon or we might pass out right here on the roof.

But, that would mean the day is over, and I don't want this day to be over. Being alone with y/n all day may also have had something to do with the happy/loopy feeling.

"Wanda?" I hummed at her mindlessly.

"You okay?" I nodded and she smiled. "You were staring. Thought you were having a stroke for a second." she laughed and I joined in after brushing off the slight embarrassment.

"When does the team get back, maybe we can stay up and watch them land," she suggested and I thought about it for a second before turning to my phone. Natasha had texted me about the mission so I'm sure that information is in our conversation somewhere.

"Ooh. It's 11:11, make a wish." I forgot where I heard this from but apparently, people make a wish at this time because of the repeating numbers. I'm aware it probably doesn't work but after a few times, it started feeling like a fun game. "What?"

"You know, like make a wish- just do it. Close your eyes and make a wish in your head." I was surprised she didn't know about this but if anyone were to get her hooked on this game, I'm glad it's me.

After I made sure her eyes were closed, I focused on making my wish.

"What did you wish for?" she asked innocently.

"Oh, I can't tell you. It's a rule of wish making, don't say it out loud or it might not come true."

"Oh come on. Someone probably made that up so they wouldn't have to reveal their secret desires." she took a sip of her drink and then suddenly it was silent between us. She had a point though. "Fine, I'll bite. What kind of wish would be needed to be kept a secret?"

"Like if the person they fancied asked them what they wished for, but they don't want to say because they had just wished for them or their happiness or something, it would reveal their feelings."

"Is that such a bad thing?" I questioned and she shrugged. "I guess if the person was shy and couldn't work up the courage to ask them out, maybe. But that's assuming their crush likes them back. If not it would be awkward wouldn't it." She has no idea. This also gave me an idea, possibly a bad one but we're going to go for it anyway.

"I have a game." I blurted out and that got her attention. "How about we play out that little story of yours but this time they tell their crush what they wished for?" she looked away from me as she thought about it before slowly nodding.

"Sounds like fun. Let's play, you first." I should've expected she would try to make me go first. I tried pushing back and eventually, she gave in and I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

"So y/n, what would you wish for in this situation? Matter of fact I'll give you three." she chuckled and glanced at the view in front of us before returning back to me. "What are you a genie?"

"I guess you could say that. But unfortunately, I'm just a witch handing out wishes of hope." I visibly cringed as soon as my mouth stopped moving. I don't even know what I just said but she seemed to understand.

"This just got complicated. Let me see if I got this right... You are a witch, who is granting my three wishes? But those wishes won't actually come true because you're not a genie?" I started nodding and we both tried hard to hold in our laughter.

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