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Name: Duncan

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Name: Duncan

Other names: None

Birthday: October 7th

Backstory: He grew up in a family of police officers but is still a rebel

Family: His father Dustin, his mother Meg, his brothers Calum and Brody, his aunt Dorothy, his cousins Nixon and Theresa and his grandmother Jules

Friends: Ennui, Crimson and Gwen

Likes: His family and friends, being a rebel, painting, carving, horror, scaring people, getting what he wants, food, punk stuff, music, flirting and kids

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, rude people, bullies, school, being told what to do, books and juvie

Sexuality: Straight ally

Girlfriend: Courtney

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/celebrity

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone and chickens

Personality: Kind, sometimes mean, a rebel, soft at heart, overprotective, has anger issues, chill most of the time, rarely get scared, happy most of the time, brave, strong, troublemaker, smart, manipulative, adventurous, reckless and hides emotion

Quote: "You never saw that, got it punk?"


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