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Name:  Charlotte

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Name:  Charlotte

Other names: She likes to be called Lottie

Birthday: June 3rd

Backstory: She grew up the city

Family: Her husband Shane, her brother Rick and their kids Alberta and Scott

Friends: Donna Jo, Amara and Janice

Likes: Her family and friends, music, helping people, saving lives, snow, cold weather, cute things, plushies, hugs and tea

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies and losing a patient

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Husband: Shane

Age: 46

Occupation: Doctor 

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, being replaced, losing her job and losing a patient 

Personality: Kind, smart, emotional, caring, nurturing, motherly, overprotective, cautious, determined, sweet, friendly, sensitive, strong, brave, good listener, accepting, supportive, good under pressure, rarely gets mad and rarely gets scared

Quote: "Alright being him in!"


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