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Name: Ella

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Name: Ella

Other names: None

Birthday: May 8th

Backstory: She grew up with parents who didn't care for her so she moved in with with aunt

Family: Her aunt Charlene, her cousins Gwen and Davy and her grandmother Carmen

Friends: Kitty, DJ Bridgette, Zoey and Dawn

Likes: Her family and friends, pink, cute things, Disney, animals, hugs, dresses, sweets, plushies, nice people, singing and making people happy

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies, her parents and horror

Sexuality: Pansexual, demiromantic and demisexual

Partner: None 

Age: 16

Occupation: Student

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: Can talk to animals and is an empath

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, the dark, her parents finding her, horror and thunder

Personality: Kind, bubbly, sings a lot, a bit niave, rarely gets mad, rarely gets scared, patient, calm, hyper, nervous but hides it, optomistic, confident, kinda insecure, a bit shy, outgoing, talkative, motherly, accepting,  supportive, sweet, sensitive, is an empath, emotional and caring

Quote: *Sings*


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