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Name:  Carrie

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Name:  Carrie

Other names: None

Birthday: April 28th

Backstory: She and her little sister ended up in foster care after their parents died from an illness as she's been there since she was 10 before getting adopted

Family: Her adoptive father Yoshida and her siblings Mike, Jessica and Devin

Friends: Sammy

Likes: Her family and friends, cute things, her phone,  books, school, animals, fashion, hugs, being outside, milk, nature, shopping and plushies

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies and foster care

Sexuality: Straight ally

Boyfriend: None

Age: 16

Occupation: celebrity/student

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, going back into care and spiders 

Personality: Kind, a bit niave, a bit clingy,  smart, outgoing, friendly, sensitive, a bit cautious, nervous a lot, a bit emotional, overprotective, determined, quiet, shy, good at lying, kinda confident, calm, patient, sweet, rarely gets mad and rarely gets scared

Quote: "Stay away from my sister!"


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