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Name: Jessie

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Name: Jessie

Other names: None

Birthday: September 9th

Backstory: She grew up in the country

Family: Their partner Milton and her son Rock

Friends: Sloane, Odin and Omar

Likes: Their family and friends, cute things, flowers, adventures, animals, shopping, nature, helping people, the country, drawing, fighting, the military, saving people, kids, her job, hugs, food and music

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friend, rude people, bullies, the city and war

Sexuality: Bisexual and non-binary (Pronouns are she/they!)

Partner: Milton

Age: 38

Occupation: Military person

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing their family and friends, being alone, being abandoned, being a failure, war, loud noises and fireworks

Personality: Kind, patient, a bit niave, a bit of an introvert, kinda reckless, kinda careful, chill, overprotective, motherly, serious sometimes, helpful, honest, hides emotion, outgoing, quiet, loud, fun, funny, energetic, sweet, calm, rarely gets mad, friendly, rarely gets scared, brave, strong and confident

Quote: "Come on honey, we have to get this all done before sundown"


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