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Name: Laurel

Other names: None

Birthday: September 1st

Backstory: She grew up rich and spoiled but is becoming nicer

Family: Her husband Clarence and her kids Heather, Damian, Zane, Chelsea and Patricia

Friends: Ingrid 

Likes: Her family and friends, shopping, tea, parties, fashion, pedicures, cute things, animals, getting what she wants and money

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies and his she used to be

Sexuality: Straight ally

Husband: Clarence

Age: 48

Occupation: Actress  

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, being poor and storms 

Personality: Kind, sometimes mean, has a better relationship with her family, sassy, motherly, flirty, sometimes reserved, smart, a bit niave, loud sometimes, rarely gets mad, rarely gets scared, patient, calm most of the time, stubborn, confident overprotective and determined

Quote: "I feel terrible...I'm sorry..."


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