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Name: Rock

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Name: Rock

Other names: None

Birthday: April 29th

Backstory: He grew up in the country with his parents

Family: His parents Jessie and Milton

Friends: Spud

Likes: His family and friend, cute things, flowers, adventures, animals, shopping, nature, helping people, the country, hugs, food and music

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friend, rude people, bullies, the city and pollution

Sexuality: Panromantic and asexual

Partner: None

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/celebrity

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friend, being alone, being abandoned, public speaking and crowds

Personality: Kind, patient, a bit niave, a bit of a troublemaker kinda clingy, reckless, kinda careful, chill, kinda overprotective fatherly, helpful, honest, a bit emotional, outgoing, quiet, loud at times, fun, funny, energetic, sweet, calm, rarely gets mad, friendly, rarely gets scared, brave, strong and happy-go-lucky

Quote: "I'll be careful!"


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