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Name: Theresa

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Name: Theresa

Other names: None

Birthday: April 12th

Backstory: She lost her mother in a car accident when she was a baby as she grew up with a single mom

Family: Her mother Dorothy, her sibling Nixon, her uncle Dustin, her aunt Meg, her cousins Brody, Calum and Duncan and her grandmother Jules

Friends: Eden

Likes: Her family and friend, hugs, milk, plushies, toys, playing, the park, cuddles, games, pranks, coloring, sleeping and being  around people

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies and not knowing her other mother  

Sexuality: Unlabled

Partner: None

Age: 3

Occupation: Student

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, cars, escalators and bees

Personality: Kind, shy, silly, funny, naive, happy-go-lucky, playful, kinda outgoing, kinda quiet, smart, silly, hyper, calm most of the time, rarely gets mad, fun, funny, clingy and gets scared easily

Quote: "I wish I knew mommy..." 


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