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Name: Heather

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Name: Heather

Other names: None

Birthday: April 21st

Backstory: She grew up rich and spoiled

Family: Her mother Laurel, her father Clarence and her siblings Damian, Zane, Chelsea and Patricia

Friends: Courtney and Dakota

Likes: Her family and friends, shopping, fashion, food, cute things, animals, getting what she wants and money

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, her brother's pranks, bullies and not getting what she wants

Sexuality: Bisexual

Partner: None  

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/celebrity

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, having her head shaved again and

Personality: Kind, sometimes mean, sometimes reserved, smart, outgoing, a bit niave, flirty, loud sometimes, has anger issues, rarely gets scared, impatient, calm most of the time, confident, kinda secretly insecure secretly, stubborn, hides emotion, brave, strong and gets annoyed a lot

Quote: "I love him deep down, just, don't tell anyone, okay?"


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