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Name: Topher

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Name: Topher

Other names: None

Birthday: September 5tg

Backstory: He grew up with neglectful parents who didn't care for him

Family: His adoptive parents Chef, Chris and Don and his brother and sister Ellia and Brody

Friends: Jo

Likes: His family and friends, helping people, flirting, cute things, fashion, sports, school, winning and cats 

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, rude people, bullies and his biological parents

Sexuality: Gay


Age: 16

Occupation: Student/celebrity

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, seeing his parents again and being abandoned

Personality: Kind, determined, stubborn, smart, hides emotion, sometimes loud, reserved, loud, calm, patient, flirty, confident, hardworking, friendly, overprotective, strong, brave, rarely gets mad and rarely gets scared

Quote: "I'm getting that million dollars!"


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