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Name: Raymond

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Name: Raymond

Other names: None

Birthday: June 7th

Backstory: He grew up in the city as he was a teen dad

Family: His wife Gina, his sons Owen, Eddie and Kamden, his brother Alek and his father-in-law Raul

Friends: Maxx

Likes: His family and friends, food, hugs, sleeping, being home, money, video games, comics, relaxing, watching tv, reading and having fun

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, rude people, bullies and when there's no food

Sexuality: Straight ally

Wife: Gina  

Age: 31

Occupation: Businessman

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, being stuck somewhere with no food, losing his job and being a failure

Personality: Kind, smart, lazy, workaholic, outgoing, loud, hyper, always hungry, rarely gets mad, gets scared rarely, patient, calm most of the time, sweet, cuddly, overprotective, determined, caring, strong, brave and happy-go-lucky

Quote: "We're getting a cheese cellar?"


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