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Name: Devin

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Name: Devin

Other names: None

Birthday: June 10th

Backstory: His parents were abusive and neglectful to him so he ran away

Family: His adoptive father Yoshida and his siblings Mike, Carrie and Jenny

Friends: Tyler and Brody

Likes: His family and friends, cute things, being away from his parents, animals, fashion, hugs, sports, YouTube and sleeping

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, rude people, bullies, his parents and his anxiety

Sexuality: Straight Allie

Girlfriend: Cassie  

Age: 16

Occupation: Celebrity/student

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends, being alone, his parents finding him, being hurt again and thunder

Personality: Kind, selfless, a bit niave, a bit jumpy, sporty, outgoing, friendly, sensitive, rarely stands up for himself, has anxiety, clingy, cautious, nervous a lot, a bit emotional but hides it, quiet, flirty, paranoid, hides his emotions sometimes, overprotective, calm, patient, sweet, rarely gets mad and gets scared easily 

Quote: "Thanks for being here..."


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