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Name: Leshawna 

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Name: Leshawna 

Other names: None

Birthday: October 27th

Backstory: Her father was abusive to her mother so her mother kicked him out 

Family: Her mother Shakira and her cousin Leshaniqua

Friends: Harold, Sadie and Katie

Likes: Her family and friends, cute things, kids, fashion, shopping, winning, summer, competing, food, fruit, healthy stuff, being sassy, animals and sweets

Dislikes: People who hurt her family and friends, rude people, bullies, pineapples and her father

Sexuality: Straight ally

Boyfriend: Harold 

Age: 16

Occupation: Student/celebrity

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, storms, her father coming back and  spiders

Personality: Kind, Sweet, caring, sensitive, cries wa, emotional, outgoing, talkative, I allergic to pineapples, smart, niave, gets scared easily, has anger issues, sassy, chill, happy-go-lucky, brave, strong, motherly, nurturing, loving, confident, affectionate and sweet

Quote: "Oh you did not just wake us up at 3 in the gosh dang morning!"


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