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Name:   Sara

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Name:   Sara

Other names: None

Birthday: March 9th

Backstory: Her husband is in the military so they move a lot

Family: Her partner Odin and daughter Jo

Friends: Pam

Likes: Her family and friends, helping people, her job, helping people, kids, cute things, animals, hugs, snow, cold weather and healthy food

Dislikes: People who hurt his family and friends, rude people, bullies, criminals and when her partner goes to war

Sexuality: Polysexual

Partner: Odin

Age: 49

Occupation: Police officer

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her family and friends, being alone, being a failure and her partner getting killed  

Personality: Kind, smart, funny, talkative, honest, overprotective, happy-go-lucky,  brave, strong, insomniac, quiet, loud sometimes, confident, patient, rarely gets mad, friendly and rarely gets scared

Quote: "What if something bad happens...?"


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