Phase Three (P.4)

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Akari's POV

"You may pick your order, it's majority rule." Or something like that

I really thought we avoided these stupid majority questions for now. Guess not.

"Secure four wins and you pass." Our opponent finished explaining

We have to make these fast, or we'll be wasting even more time.
Our first opponent seems to be ready.

"What should we do?" Killua asks
"He said we could fight with any method. So that means anything goes." He continues

"We don't know what they'll try to pull..." Leorio speaks up

"There's to much at stake, we don't know what they have up there sleeve." Kurapika decides to add on

What they're saying is true but we don't have the time to state the obvious.

"I'll go!" Tompa says as we all turn toward the chubby man
"Tompa-san?" Gon questions

"I'll act as a guinea pig, so we can discover what they're up to." Tompa explains

For once, this guy says something smart.

"Consider this an apology for before." He finishes
"Are you serious?" Leorio asks, still not believing Tompa
"Sure. Plus you guys don't actually trust me, right?"
"Do you really want me to be the tiebreaker when the score is 3-3?" He asks

True. But I do wonder if he actually can fight.

"Then it's settled." Tompa finishes and heads towards the small arena

Nobody's POV:
A small bridge forms from the area they are standing on to the arena.
The two opponents slowly make their way to the centre.

"I didn't expect him to volunteer." Leorio whispers
"He called himself a guinea pig." Kurapika added
"Will Tompa-san be alright?" Gon asks
"He's going to get himself killed without a plan.." Akari says

Everyone turns their attention back to the fight as they choose their fighting method.

"I propose a death match." The large man announced
"A death match?" Gon questions
"See?" Akari spoke up again
"Eheh.." Gon says with a nervous laugh

"Well?" The large man asks while waiting for an answer
"I accept!" Tompa replies with confidence.

"Huh?" Everyone says, confusion written on all their faces

"I commend you for your courage." He says to Tompa

For the first few seconds, the two men stared at each other, waiting for either to move. The others wait anxiously for the fight to begin. As the fight begins, the larger man jumps straight up and aims for a punch. Suddenly, Tompa drops to the ground.

"I give!" Tompa suddenly yells

"Huh?" The five say again
"Did he just give up?" Gon asks
"Tsk." Akari says shaking her head, clearly unamused
"M-Maybe he meant "Give me a sec" ?" Leorio tries to clear out the situation

"All right, I win this round."

Akari's POV:
Seriously? What a coward. He could of tried, though he would of definitely died right there if he took that hit. They have one point now as well.

I don't even bother what he has to say about it, I made sure I made him uncomfortable when I glared at him. I did hear him say that he's only in this exam to crush people's dreams for his own pleasure. What a selfish jerk. Well, I did say he wouldn't make it out of here without being uninjured. He sealed his own fate.

"Why you little-" Leorio starting saying. I cut him off by taking the fun of punching Tompa my self.

Everyone, surprised of my action decides to take a step back.

Tompa, now holding his cheek, quietly mumbles some inexplicable things to himself.
"Stupid brat.." Is all I heard him say

"Hm." I say, as I walk back to my previous position.

"Well, if you guys are done." Killua begins to talk
"Their goal is to buy time, then the old man made the correct choice, even though that punch was amusing." I look up to see Killua smirk at the last part.

"That bald guy was probably a former soldier, had you fought him, he would of started to crush your throat, so you couldn't give up." Killua continued

He's smart, of course I expect nothing less from an ex-assassin.

"Then he would continue to torture you, without killing you for the rest of the time."

Tompa, totally looked sick now. Well, I find this amusing.

The next fight is going to start, maybe I get to go next?

~To Be Continued~

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