Phase One (P.1)

741 33 7

Akari POV:

We walked in to a small room with four chairs, our Navigator told us we were supposed to wait here.

"I can't wait for the steak combo!" Said Gon happily.

"Gon that was a code for us to get in." Replied Kurapika.

"Oh, so we don't get to eat.." Said Gon.

'Man, I'm actually really hungry, I haven't eaten in so long.' I thought.

'How long to we have to wait?'

"Daijōbu Akari-chan?" Asked Gon.

"Eh? Oh. Hai, imu daijōbu." I said back with a faint smile.

"Oh.." He simply said.

Then our Navigators started to say "One in every ten thousand, the number of applicants who make it so far. You are very lucky for first-timers. Well good luck." He finished.

'Is the hunters exam that hard?" I questioned.

As he left the room started moving.

"So this room is an elevator." I said.

We all sat down, I wasn't really listening to what they said, since we were going to be at the exam site soon.

All I heard was Leorio saying "Money" and Kurapika saying "Noble". I looked up for a second and I saw a war just broke out between Leorio and Kurapika.

Poor Gon being stuck in the middle of it too. Spoke too soon. They both turned to me and yelled "AKARI, WHO DO YOU THINK IS RIGHT?! WHAT KIND OF HUNTER YOU WANT TO BE?!"

I sorta got startled, but then I realize why I'm even here.

"Like I said on the boat, I'm not interested of being a hunter." I said

'I hope that shut them up.' I thought.

Luckily the elevator stopped just in time, the doors opened up.

As we walked out, all I noticed was the really dark tunnel and a very tense atmosphere.

I got a strange feeling about these many people staring at us.

Then a little green man that looks like a jellybean came up to us and gave us a number.

'Number 406 huh?' I thought looking at my number.

The man continued "Be sure to wear it on your chest at all times, do not lose it."

Next thing a know is that we were greeted by a chubby man with a square nose.

He tryed out for the exam thirty-fifth time. He said that he's name is Tompa.

I have an odd feeling about this guy, so I decided not to trust him.

Gon already decided to introduce us to him. I nodded in reply.

This Tompa guy also showed us the stronger applicants too.

'Number 44, Hisoka is friggen creepy. I should avoid him during the exam.' I thought.

Tompa interrupted my thoughts when he said "Well then. Here's a little something to mark our acquaintance." He took out some juice.

He handed each of us a can. When I opened and smelled it, disappointment was all I felt.

And when I thought I was going to have a nice can of juice too.

I threw the can above his head and quickly sliced the can with my sword and watched the liquid drip down on his face.

I started to talk "Geez when I actually thought I was going to drink some juice, try that again and that can won't be the only thing I slice up." I shot a glare at him.

Leorio seems to be afraid of me now. Then Gon went to try the juice and just spit it out.

"Tompa-san, Akari was right. It tasted funny, I think the juice might of expired." Gon said.

I couldn't help but to give a small laugh at that.

Leorio Kurapika did the same thing.

"I've sampled all kinds of mountain grass and plants. So I can usually taste when something's bad." Said Gon.

"We have a lot more things in common than I thought." I said quietly.

"O-oh is that so, well s-sorry again." He stuttered as he left.

A couple of minutes later some bell rang and it looks like the exam was about to start.

~To be continued~

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