Akari's Time

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Akari's POV:

Well, Tompa just cost us a point. I begin to crack my knuckles, anxiously waiting for the next round.

"Um, Akari? Are you okay?" I stopped only to see Gon looking at me directly

"I'm fine." I replied shortly


We started the next round. The next prisoner we faced was a scrawny looking guy.
He didn't look like he was physically able to fight so he must have some other trick up his sleeve.

Anyways, we had Gon to be his opponent.

I was right. This guy can't fight physically so they're going to play a "game".
Whoever's candle burns out first, loses. Simple enough for Gon to understand.

The thing is, one candle is bigger and one is smaller.

I was once again correct. This guy had a trick up his sleeve. I won't be surprised if he rigged both of the candles.

I only hope that Gon somehow outsmarts him. Don't get me wrong, I only want to move on before time runs out. I can't wait another year.

After the prisoner explained what to do, yes it is another majority choice, we all had to decide on which candle Gon should choose.

Everyone is clearly hesitant on which candle Gon should choose.

"Damn, which one should we choose?" Leorio breaks the silence

"Gon! You decide!" Kurapika suddenly shouts

"We'll abide on whatever you decide." He continues

"Will that be okay? He never thinks things through." Killua asks

"Let him choose, huh." I mutter to myself

"Alright then. Gon! You choose." I shouted, confirming the decision we chose

"I get to choose? Okay." Gon shouts back

"Then I choose the long one!" Gon turns to face the prisoner

-Another timeskip-

Thank god for Gon and his simple mind.

The candle had been tampered and ended up having a bigger flame than usual, making the candle melt much faster.

In the end Gon had an idea, the bigger the flame and less chance of it being blown by the breeze. He placed it down, ran to his opponent's candle and blew out the flame.

He won.

It really did surprise me though. He's fast, i'll give him that.

Any who, it is now 1-1.

"Gon." I say as he walks back

"Yes?" He asks sort of surprised

"Good job on scoring that win." I finish

"Thanks!" He says while grinning

Well I think it's my time to shine.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I go next?" I ask

I get an "okay" sign from everyone. Well,not Tompa. He sort of looked like he wanted me to die in the next round. Whatever, it doesn't matter what he thinks. I am definitely not going to die no matter what.

I started to walk down to the small arena where I'll meet my opponent.

It? I can't really tell if its a she or he because it's wearing a cloak. I can't really tell with the face either because it's wearing a mask.

This thing really like to keep a low profile. Not really a good thing for me.

"Ohohoho, well why it isn't the Silvermoon princess." "It" begins to speak

"Princess? Who the hell are you?" I begin to question it

"Why, everyone knows about your parents." "It" continues

"What matters is not me, so shall we begin?" "It" finishes

"If so then-" I cut him off before "It" finishes his sentence

This thing, is it even human? It spoke in different voices every time it said something.

"I don't know who you are but I reaally don't like being called princess. So lets make a deal. You shut up and get on with this and I will beat you." I say as I glared at "It"

"Well, well, well then. As you wish."

"This will be a simple death match, who ever kills off their opponent wins." "It" purposed with a sadistic smile

"Fair enough." I replied quickly

"Hurry up and come at me."

"Not so fast," "It" turns around to reveal two boxes with each one having a number

"Majority rules! "X" for "1" or  "O" for "2"!"

What in the world. This is supposed to be a death match am I correct? I turn around to face the group.

"Do take your time!" "It" calls out

"Tch, Well which one?" I ask

Third Person POV:

"It's just like the time Gon had to choose on which candle he should take." Leorio says as he scratches his head

"We're in another dilemma now aren't we." Kurapika adds

"Then shouldn't we let Akari choose?" Gon suggests

"Stupid Gon, this is supposed to be a death match. If we chose the wrong number it could end her life." Killua replies as he hits Gon

"I think Gon's right, either way we still don't know. Besides, unlike Gon, I think she can think through it before she decides." Kurapika says as he looked back

"Eheh.." Gon mutters to himself

"Well I think everyone agrees on it."

"Akari! You decide! It's just like the last time with Gon!" Kurapika shouts

"Okay then." Akari shouts back

"Then, I'll go with number two." Akari says as she faces her opponent

"Number one has explosions doesn't it?" Akari continues

"Could you have been any louder while you tried to set it up?" She smirks as she taunts

"Ohohoho, you got me." "It" replies

"I didn't see that one coming." Gon comments

Everyone pressed "O" on their watches.

"NUMBER TWO IS IS THEN!!" "It" says as it released the contents of the box.

Startled, Akari takes a defensive position, poised for any attack coming for her.

And then....

Smoke bombs.

~To Be Continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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