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🌟 Scriptures 🌟

Luke 5: 4- 11
4 When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Push out into the deep water. Let down your nets for some fish." 5 Simon said to Him, "Teacher, we have worked all night and we have caught nothing. But because You told me to, I will let the net down." 6 When they had done this, they caught so many fish, their net started to break. 7 They called to their friends working in the other boat to come and help them. They came and both boats were so full of fish they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he got down at the feet of Jesus. He said, "Go away from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man." 9 He and all those with him were surprised and wondered about the many fish. 10 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were surprised also. They were working together with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will fish for men." 11 When they came to land with their boats, they left everything and followed Jesus.

Zachariah 3:1-4
3 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and satan standing at his right side to accuse him. 2 The Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes."
Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you."

🗣️The Message📜

Many people struggle with worthiness in the Body of Christ. They go out and sin so much that they feel like they're forgotten by God. The enemy makes them think that because they've done so much wrong they cannot come back to The Lord or that He doesn't want them anymore. But before Christ came and died for our sins and transformed us with His Spirit He was already making the unworthy, worthy.

Peter is a great example, when Jesus came and told him to throw his net out once more after fishing all night and catching nothing, he obviously didn't believe anything would come up, but when Peter saw all the fish he realized that Jesus wasn't an ordinary teacher and he felt unworthy. He didn't feel worthy to be blessed with so many fish or to be in the presence of someone holy, so he told Jesus to get away from him because he was a sinful man. He knew his sins and because of them, he didn't feel like he even deserved to stand in the presence of Jesus.

This reminds me of Zechariah's vision when he saw Jeshua who represented Israel being accused by Satan in the presence of God. Israel turned away from God and gave themselves over to sin countlessly and deserved to be punished, but the Lord in His grace rebuked satan. Then they took off Jeshua's clothes which were dirty with sin and gave him clothing of clean fine linen. The Lord forgave Jeshua and took away his sins, he didn't do anything to deserve God's grace but God still gave it. Again Peter felt that he didn't even deserve to stand in The Lord's presence but, Jesus looked past his sin and blessed him with something far greater than fish, salvation, and being in His presence all the days of his life. Peter did nothing to deserve the grace that Jesus gave, but Jesus gave it to him freely because of His great love.

So, if you're feeling unworthy. If you feel like you don't deserve to be in God's presence, if you feel like you don't deserve to have what Jesus gave you, remember The Lord doesn't make any mistakes. Just look at Peter he became one of the most popular apostles in the Bible because of His faithfulness to Jesus. Paul used to persecute Christians but Jesus called him to bring His Word to the Gentiles. The Lord justifies the call all we have to do is trust Him.

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