Be Holy as I Am Holy

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  🌟 Scriptures 🌟

Romans 8:38-39" For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.Genesis 1:2626 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

🗣️The Message📜Throughout life, throughout the scriptures, God reveals Himself to us. We learn that He is Love, infinite, He is outside of time, He is the Beginning and the End Alpha and Omega, The King of all Kings, The Lord of all Lords, He is light, He is salt, He is bread, He is the blood, He is the life-giver, He is the Holy One of Israel, He is Our Savior, He is God. He was, is, and will always be. He created all things through His Word and called them good and while He was creating He decided to form us, human beings in His image. Isn't that amazing(Genesis 1:26)?We were formed from the beginning of time not just to bear His image but to be like Him! We see evidence of this throughout scripture when He commands us to be like Him. He commanded us to rest because He rested.(Genesis 9:6b) To be holy as He is Holy multiple times (Leviticus 20:26). Also, to love others as He has loved us (John 13:34)! He even told humans not to kill one another because they bear His Holy image (Genesis 5-6)!Isn't it also amazing that God continued to call us to be like Him even after man sinned and the curse was placed upon him? Even when we started to look more like the world and less like Him. Even when humans, the very people God created, continued to reject Him and forget about Him because of their own pleasures, He continued to call them to be like Him. He continues to call us, flawed by sin to be like Him, it's mind-blowing. It seems like an honor too great for a people who continue to forget and reject God.But it doesn't matter what we were born as in the flesh, or how we perceive ourselves because God is love. He sees past the fault and sees the need, He looks past the sin and sees His child, He looks past the fall and sees us rising. Rising above challenges, rising above temptations, rising above sin, God is the creator, He can do all things and He made us able to do all things through Him. Look at the prophets, look at those who trusted and believed God's Word through scripture, we saw the impossible happen, we saw supernatural things happen. Even after the fall, God clothed Adam and Eve in the animal skins which showed the great sacrifice that would have to be made for their sin, but this also showed God's forgiveness and that He clothes us in righteousness. He makes us right with Himself even from the beginning.God used the prophets as hosts, as vessels to deliver His Holy Word to the people! He walked with them and talked with them, He always came through and gave His people a way out. Then He decided to send His Son to come to this earth, a sinless being, God in the flesh. He humbled Himself to be under to authority of His sinful creation, He went through our temptations, He even died for us and rose so that we could truly be one with Him forever knowing no death so that we could truly overcome sin, So we could speak to Him without a priest or a prophet. So we could truly hear Him. He tore the veil and let us once again have communion with Him as we did with Him in the garden. He did this all because He loves us and throughout time has continued to call us closer to Him.Let's not feed into the lies of the enemy that say that we still look like the world, that we're still dirty, that we are still sinners when Christ died for our sins and called His disciples brothers when He told us to call God our Father. We may think of ourselves as dirty, imperfect, and full of faults but we need to look at ourselves through the lens of God's eyes. He sees us as overcomers, He sees us as rulers, He sees us as righteous, He sees us in His image, as being like His Son.Why you may ask? Why did He continue to be with us and command us to be like Him when we forgot Him when we didn't love Him when we didn't even know Him? It was because of His Love, His neverending Love, His infinite Love. So today remember Christ's love, the love that never gave up on us, the love that pursues us, the love that challenges us, the love that protects us, and never forget who you are a Child of the living God who is made perfect in Him.Father in Heaven may we embody You more and be a light to this dark world, may our lights so shine that others may see You through us. May we submit to being your image-bearers and refuse to bear the image of this world. Thank you for making us like You and always loving us In Jesus' name Amen.

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