Chapter 7

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18 moths later
"Lia, do you need to go to the principals office?" My English teacher threatened me.
"I was hoping by now, you'd understand that I don't care." I sighed and sat back in my seat which made her more angry.
"Okay, scratch that. I'm going to call your father."
"He's not my father. Don't call him that." I said, my face boiling with anger. I hate when teachers call him that. The class oohed.
The teacher dialed something in the classroom phone and waited a little bit. "Hey, Jim. Yes, again." She paused. "I'm not sure. Maybe a different school would help."
A year and a half ago, I never would have done this. Unless it was to Jim. Whatever though. At least I can be out of school for a few days again. The teacher pointed to the door and I stood up.
"Bye guys. I hope I never see any of you again." I smiled and walked out the door. When I got to the office, I saw Jim standing there stressed out. When he saw me, his face hardened. I smiled as if I'd done nothing wrong and walked into the office.
"Something wrong, Jim?" I asked.
"Come on. Get into the car." He said obviously done with my bull crap. I followed behind him and put my ear buds in and started playing music on my phone.
In the passenger seat was Bridget so I sat in the back. I could hear them talking about me over my music, but I shrugged it off. He deserved it. He left my mom hanging.
I loomed out the window to find a group of girls surrounding something which made me chuckle a little bit. I remembered when I was the reason people were crowding around me. Then, something caught my eye. Blonde, fluffy, curly hair.
I pulled out my ear buds. "Stop the car." I said.
"We can't stop right now its a busy road-"
"I'm gonna hurl, Jim. Stop the car."
"Can it wait?"
"Fine. Have it your way." I opened the door and ran out while the car was in motion. Not as easy as you'd think.
I quickly walked towards the group of people. "Jack?" I asked. Everyone turned to see me. Half the fangirls were, well, fangirling, and the other half were confused. Jack stared at me in disbelief.
"Lia?" He asked. He ran up to me and hugged me as tight as the last time we hugged. "I missed you so much." He whispered.
"I missed you too." I whispered back.
"Lia what are you doing? Get back here!" I heard Jim yell.
"Don't listen to them. They're not my parents. They can't tell me what to do." I reassured Jack.
"Are you Lia Sanders?" One of the fangirls asked.
"Yeah" I said sheepishly.
"Why haven't you made a video for so long?" Another one asked.
I looked behind me at Jim and Bridget. "A lot of stuff has happened and I haven't really been the same I used to be."
"Are you guys still dating?" The same one asked again.
We looked at each other with sadness. "No. We uh broke up." Jack cleared his throat. "We broke up a while back." He looked down which made me look down.
"Why though?" She asked another question.
"Long distance wasn't working I guess." I stated, kicking the dirt softly. She nodded and walked off satisfied with the answers and so did her friends.
"Do you want to go get some ice cream or something?" Jack asked me.
"Sure" I said, completely ignoring Jim's and Bridget's yelling.

Remember When?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن