Chapter 14

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"So hows life been in Seattle?" Luke asked when we got our drinks and sat down.
"Awful. I missed my friends and YouTube and just everything so much." I replied taking a sip.
"Lukey!" I heard from across the restaraunt.
"Lia!" Someone tackled me in a bear hug and I couldn't figure out who it was. I laughed and they let go. Then, I saw who it was.
"Nolan!" I shouted and hugged him again. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too!"
"Why are we screaming?!" Luke shouted.
"I don't know!" Nolan yelled. The Batista looked at us annoyed so we stopped.
"So where's the rest of mannntv?" I asked looking for nick and Adam.
"They're asleep and I wasn't. The solution was coffee." He explained.
"Wait guys." Luke said. "We gotta take a selfie with our Starbucks to show we are true Americans." We laughed and he pulled out his phone. We all made funny faces into the camera which made us laugh.
Nolan looked down at his phone. "I gotta get going. Nicks getting lonely and Adam doesn't want to play with him."
"You sound like a dad of two toddlers." I laughed.
"Pretty much." He chuckled and said his goodbyes.
"We should get going too." Luke said to me. I nodded and walked with him.
Then, my phone started getting notifications left and right. I checked it and sighed. I downloaded all my social medias again I just haven't posted. All the comments were saying things like 'who's that girl?' 'Are lia and Nolan dating?' 'Ew who's the skank she better stay away from my Luke.' 'Omg I ship it #nia'
"You redownloaded it?" I heard Luke say from over my shoulder. I nodded and he sighed.
"These people. At least some of them know who I am and know I wouldn't date you." I shook my head at the comments and decided to post something, but I didn't know what.
I put the camera app on my phone on and took a picture of me and Luke. 'Starbucks date with my big brother @lukekorns #brotherlyluvv sorry guys I stopped posting I'll start posting more again.' I put as the caption on twitter.
Immediately, I got comments and I started reading through them.
'Ohh they're siblings..' 'Luke never said anything about a younger sister' 'yayy I missed you!' 'Luke looks like a cutey boy boy!' I chuckled at the last one and favorited and retweeted it.
Luke put his arm around my shoulder again and we decided to walk instead of pennyboard again. When we got back to the hotel, someone hugged me and it happened so fast I didn't know who it was. I hugged them back and they hugged tighter.
"Jack, she's suffocating." I heard someone that sounded like my friend Ryan Abe say.
"Sorry I just missed you." Jack let go of me and I felt my cheeks grow warm.
"Its fine I like your hugs." I said letting go too.
"Lia!" I heard and someone else hugged me. When they let go, I realized it was nick.
"Nicky!!" I hugged him again.
"Adam!" I shouted and hugged Adam too. The rest of SDK aren't huggers so I just said hey and we talked a little bit.
I heard squealing coming from behind us and a few teenage girls came running up.
"Oh my god! I literally can't even!" "Are you SDK?" "Are you Luke korns?" "Oh my god Jack Dail!" "Adam! Nick!" All for the people that weren't me but I was fine with it. I didn't want to be in that mess.
"OH MY LORD!!! LIA SANDERS!!!!!" I heard someone scream which made the crowd come over to me.
"I love you so much!" "You're my idol!" "Can you sign this?" "You're alive!" "Are you still dating jack?" "You're literally bae!" And they just kept coming. Eventually, I got through all except one.
"Sorry we were screaming in your face." She said.
"Its fine." I smiled.
"Can I just say that you and jack are seriously relationship goals?" Me and jack looked at each other and I noticed his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.
"We're not together anymore. But we're still best friends." Her mouth shaped like an 'o' and she apologized. "No its fine." I smiled again and she said goodbye and left.
"Why'd you tell her that?" Luke said.
"Um because we aren't dating anymore." I stated.
"But you guys are going to get back together though. Seriously. Everyone knows for a fact you guys are going to date again and get married and have little lias and jacks running around and--"
"Luke." I interrupted him not wanting this conversation to go any farther.
"Sorry but its true." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and shook my head but didn't respond.

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