Chapter 19

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Jacks POV
We're dating again. She still loves me. She's my girlfriend. Girlfriend.
The word kept repeating in my mind making me smile.
"Hey jack can you hand me my charger?" Christian asked stopping my thoughts. I nodded and handed it to him. "Dude, snap out of it." He giggled.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I don't know her as well as everyone else here does, but I know one thing and its the fact that you two love each other." He explained.
"Oh. Really?" I asked hopefully.
"Yeah. Did you guys date before?" He asked.
"Yeah, but we had to break up because of the long distance relationship." I explained to him, hoping he wouldn't ask why. It happened anyway though.
"Why did you have a long distance relationship? I thought she lived in Wisconsin with you, Luke and Chris." He said confused.
"She did, but her dad-- um." I bit my lip, not wanting to finish the sentence.
"Her dad what?" Christian asked.
"He uh died. He was a better father than my dad will ever be and he died." I said, with tears threatening to spill. If this is how hard it is for me, I can only imagine how hard it is for lia.
"Wow. Sorry. Then, where'd she go?" He asked, curiously.
"Her biological dads house. The one that left her. That's where shes been living for the past year and a half." I explained. Then, I felt a tear run down my face. Then two. Then three. Then, they started pouring.
"She's been through hell and back and I couldn't help her get through it because of the distance between us. I was with her the day she found out about the death. It was the worst two days of my life. Her heart broke and I tried my best to hug the pain away, but then she had to leave. I couldn't do that anymore. I tried my hardest to show her I was brave so she could be brave too. It hurt so bad. I missed her so much." I ranted not caring if christian was even listening or not.
"Man, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." Christian patted my back.
"Its fine." I sniffed and sat up. "I'm gonna shower." I got up and went to the bathroom, leaving christian there awkwardly.

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