Chapter 12

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"Its time to go. Bye guys, thanks for the breakfast." Jack said shaking Jim's and Bridget's hands.
"It was no problem, really." Bridget smiled sweetly.
The rest of the people thanked them and shook their hands too before walking out. They all stood in the doorway waiting to see how I would say bye.
"Bye Jim. Bye Bridget." I said. Without thinking about it, I hugged them.
"Bye kid. Stay safe." Bridget said as I let go of them. Jim smiled and waved with watery eyes.
As we walked to the taxi, I realized something. I didn't want to admit it, and neither did they, but we both knew we'd miss each other. I never thought I'd think that. I miss my biological dad. That sounds so foreign to me. When I say I miss my dad, it sounds normal, because I'm talking about my daddy. I would never tell people I don't miss my dad. But, Jim, I'd never admit to people that I miss him.
"You okay?" Jack asked, sitting next to me.
"Yeah I'm just really tired. I got almost no sleep last night." I said, partly telling the truth.
"Kay, well I have a pretty comfy shoulder so you can take a short nap till we get to the airport." Jack said patting his shoulder.
I shrugged and leaned on his shoulder. My head fit like a Lego almost. Shortly after, I heard a faint clicking sound, but I couldn't control the sleep pulling me deeper and deeper to figure out what it was.

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