Chapter 17

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Jacks POV
"Sorry but its true." Luke said to Lia. I didn't care what they were talking about, all I knew was I miss her so much. Cliché, I know, but still. Her hugs mean the world to me and the last day I saw her, I cried like a baby. Not only because I lost someone that was a better father figure than my actual father, but also because I knew I wouldn't see my best friend for a long time. Yes, my best friend. She will always be my best friend even if she breaks my heart. Even if she kills my mom. I love her.
"Jack?" Lia said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Are you okay? You've been staring at me for a few minutes now." She asked concerned.
'I'd be fine if you kissed me right now.' Is what I would've said if we were still dating.
"No I'm fine." I lied. I'm far from fine.
"Oh okay. Can you give me a piggy back ride? My legs hurt." She said. Lia got knee surgery when she was younger and when she stands for too long, her legs start hurting. I know this because we've known each other since before she got that surgery.
"Yeah sure." I bent down in front of her and she hopped on and wrapped her arms around my neck. A year and a half ago, she would have kissed my cheek too, but now she just put her head next to mine. I miss that so much.
"Faster pony faster!" She shouted and giggled. I looked over to Mikey who had Alexis on his back and we nodded and stopped. Luke went in the middle of us and bent over.
"3, 2......1" he said and waved his imaginary flags. Me and Mikey ran with the girls on our backs as fast as we could. Mikey won of course, because he's older and works out a lot.
"No fair! You cheated!" Lia shouted.
"Nope. All because of these babies." He kissed his muscles and we all laughed together.
"Guys! I never said go!! Its supposed to be 321 GO!!!" Luke yelled trying to catch up to us which made us laugh harder. Sometimes I worry about that kid. Lia suddenly grabbed me in a hug.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm just tired so I wanted to hug someone." She giggled. I bent down again and she hopped back up as we went to our hotel rooms.

Remember When?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt