Chapter 1: Early Cloudy Morning

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(Phoebe's POV)

My eyes opened tiredly as I just stared absentmindedly at my clock. It was around 3:30 in the morning. With a sigh I sat up, unable to return to bed due to my persistent nightmares. I went to the bathroom and started brushing my messy pinkish brown hair. I also carefully combed my tail before staring at myself in the mirror. My eyepatch felt and looked stuffy from the previous day, so I took it off and quickly placed a towel over the newly uncovered eye. It might've been fully healed at that point but I was not willing to take a chance. I put a fresh eyepatch on and shakily sighed before getting dressed:

I stretched a little as my ears flickered, before putting my hair up in a ponytail

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I stretched a little as my ears flickered, before putting my hair up in a ponytail. I then went outside and looked at the sky. The sun was still on it's way, but the scenery was peaceful. The day was just beginning to get brighter and the clouds were peacefully moving past without a care in the world. I sighed and held my basket, staring at the apple and book inside. The apple wasn't normal. It was black. Yet the apple mystified me in a way I just can't describe. It was given to me by Yami... my older sister. It's probably the last thing I have of her... before... she died. The apple felt very familiar, but I couldn't remember from where. I then sat down, put the basket aside, and started meditating. I had a couple hours before the village became lively.

Oh... I should probably introduce myself huh? My name is Phoebe Normal. "What an oxymoronic name!" You're probably thinking, and you'd be correct. The reason it's my name is because I am the Normal Type of the Types Team. The Types Team is a group of humanoids that were created in order to keep their home safe, and I'm one of them. They are all a huge family but... they all died. I don't... I don't want to get into it any more, I'll stop now.

As I meditated, a cheerful voice rang out to me,

"Morning Phoebe!" I turned to see... Rainbow dammit. Fajr Pyrite.

He ran over and attempted to give me a huge hug, which I denied by getting up and walking away

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He ran over and attempted to give me a huge hug, which I denied by getting up and walking away. He fell onto the pavement as I couldn't help but snicker. He got up with a whine,

"Owwww..." I chuckled before looking at him annoyed. He was a wild card. An extremely wild card. He looked at me sadly,

"Come on Pheebs... why can't I give you a huuug?" I rolled my eyes at him,

"Don't act all innocent Fajr." He pouted with a whine,

"I just wanna greet the smartest person in the village!" I shrugged a shoulder at him and picked up my basket,

"A hello is just fine." I then walked off to wait until the village became lively.

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