Chapter 13: Yami's Story

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(Haha crappy art go brrrr- it's a separate thing tho. Also this takes place in the past if you weren't aware)

(Phoebe's POV)

I read my favorite book silently, adoring the story within. Yami always read to me but... I don't wanna talk to her again. She betrayed me. She abandoned me when I needed her most. The door suddenly opened and I looked up, glaring at who entered.

 The door suddenly opened and I looked up, glaring at who entered

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I growled as I glared at Sylvie. She... she's the reason they all hate me...!

"Oh oh don't tell me!" Sylvie cheered with a snide smirk, "you're thinking, "she's the reason they hate me" right??" I looked out the window annoyed,

"Bingo!" She laughed before glaring at me, her cheery voice becoming malicious,

"But it was you who broke the rules, Phoebe. You should've known better." I looked at her, becoming afraid now. I can't fight her. She'll win anyway. Sylvie then placed a finger on my forehead, pressing slightly,

"You better get some rest. An early type is the best type. Y'know, even though you're a mistake." She grinned darkly before turning the lights off and leaving. I growled softly. I hate her... I hate her with every fiber of my being!! I don't care if she's the leader of the team I hate her!!! I sighed shakily before getting up and putting the book away. I then laid down in my bed.

I didn't actually fall right asleep. I stared at the beautiful moon happily. Nighttime was always so peaceful. Nobody was shouting, training, or anything. Occasionally I'll hear LB play video games in the living room but since my room was on the third floor, most of the time I didn't hear unless I really tried. I hummed softly looking at the moon. It was bright, and yet gentle. I can't help but feel like I'm doing something wrong for liking the moon. I was blessed by Rainbow Light... our creator. I sighed before laying down and closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Eventually I woke up, but not to my alarm. Instead I felt somebody shake me awake, as I whined softly, wanting to stay within the confines of my bed. The person continued to shake me and I finally opened my eyes, seeing Yami.

 The person continued to shake me and I finally opened my eyes, seeing Yami

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I looked at her annoyed. First she betrays me, then she wakes me up at 3 am?! I growled at her before she sighed and looked away,

"Phoebe I... I'm sorry I didn't stick by you..." I glared at her,

"It's too late for apologies Yami." I sneered. She nodded solemnly before she gave me something. It was a black apple, like the ones I've read about... the negative apples. My eyes widened as I gingerly took the apple, holding it in my hands,

"H-How did you...?" Yami smiled softly,

"This isn't exactly the same apple." She explained. I looked at her confused,

"I got it from a different au. But I want you to remember this Phoebe." She put a hand on my shoulder as I stared at her,

"One day, you're going to meet the guardian of the apple. When you do, the apple will glow brightly. When that happens, I want you to know that that guardian... is the perfect person for you." She giggled awkwardly, "I don't know how else to say it... you might not know it yet, but you'll grow to do many amazing things, and meeting him is the first. That boy will be suffering when you meet him, and it's up to you to free him, and make him truly happy." My mouth was agape slightly as I listened. I didn't understand... first she gives me a dark apple she somehow had, then she tells me that meeting the guardian of that apple is... the first of... many amazing things I'll do? But what special things can I do?? I'm just a pathetic mistake of a type... so what I was blessed? I shouldn't have been made a nekojin, I shouldn't have these colors, I should have been monochrome and plain... like the Normal Type is. Besides what could a weak little normal type accomplish?

My worries made me lose focus as I didn't realize Yami was talking. She poked me as I looked back at her confused. She then sighed and looked out the window,

"Phoebe... I don't have much time left... you're going to lose me... lose Airi... lose everyone... and you'll be alone... I want you to stay strong, okay? Don't let these incidents weigh you down. Use them to push yourself higher and accomplish the unthinkable. I don't want you to lose focus of what really matters." She then kissed my forehead and left the room without me noticing.

That was... only a few days before she died...

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