Chapter 7: Sparks of Hope

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(Lmao I love the picture- it's so adorable-)

(His POV)

I dropped the young girl on the horse and sent them off. I then teleported back to my room and chuckled darkly. That poor selfless idiot! She has no idea what she's gotten herself into! I'm a monster, plain and simple. I'll trick her by letting her go and then hunting her down for days on end and she won't be able to fight back! She's helpless against me! HELPLE—

. . .

Wh... huh...? What just... what just happened? I looked around to see I was still in my room. I touched my chest where my soul was. That... pleasant feeling returned... wait...! Don't tell me! I looked down my balcony and could hear the faint trotting of a horse. Oh no... it happened again!

The curse affected me more than in just appearance. If I'm not careful it can take control of my mind and make me become a sadistic beast! I started shaking scared. What did I do when I was under control?? As I shook I suddenly felt that warm feeling again, as if it was easing my nerves. I sighed and felt my chest. Whenever that pleasant feeling happened, it would always break me out of the curse's control. I shook my head and became more confident. I had to stay positive, or the curse would get to me again. I then approached the hand mirror sitting on my vanity and lifted it up. I think I might know what I did under the curse's control,

"Show me the dungeons please." I told the mirror softly. My reflection warbled before morphing into a view of the dungeons. It's not a normal mirror, no, it allows me to view anything I want so long as I know where to look. What I saw had confirmed my suspicion. There was a girl there; with black cat ears and tail, with a pink tip, pinkish brown hair, and a... a maid outfit? It's hard to tell, but it's... cute. I hummed softly as I tried to see her face. Her head lifted as I could see she had a dazzling turquoise eye, the other covered by an eyepatch. I sighed sadly. She's supposed to be my prisoner isn't she? As I solemnly stared at the girl through the mirror, a knock came from my door,

"Come in." I said, knowing who it was. The doors opened and Mrs. Potts and Chip came in on a rolling cart, they stopped in front of me as Mrs. Potts poured a cup of tea for me,

"Is everything alright my prince? You appear pale." I shrugged with a sigh as I sipped the tea,

"Did the curse...?"

"Yea..." I nodded softly looking away. Everyone understood the pain I had to deal with. I put the mirror down as Mrs. Potts spoke again,

"You know... that... prisoner you have..." my expression became more disgruntled, "Choco and Glitch believe there's something quite peculiar about her. She could be the one!" I turned to her shocked,

"Y-You really think so??" Normally I would've been very skeptical, but the pleasant feeling in my soul made my hope skyrocket. Not only that, but that girl's magic. I'd never sensed more power, not even from my brother! She could be the one! I beamed as Mrs. Potts nodded,

"I believe it's at least worth a try." I nodded firmly before teleporting to Choco and Glitch,

"Ah! Good evening my prince!" Choco bowed as Glitch simply waved. I waved back happily,

"I have an important mission for you two!" I chimed, the two perking up upon hearing my cheery tone, "the girl in the cell, take her to Madame Garderobe in the east wing and give her a new room! I'll be by to check on her later and formally explain myself!" The two nodded with smiles as they made their way upstairs. My soul fluttered as I thought about the girl being the one! My positivity was so strong, the curse didn't dare come to spoil it! I took a break and smiled confidently. I can do this! I know I can! I just have to believe in myself!

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