Chapter 8: New Home's Mysteries

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(Phoebe's POV)

I hugged the apple as I hummed softly, holding it close. I then put it away once I felt more at ease, and once I did, it felt like somebody was watching me. I lifted my head slightly but I didn't sense anyone or anything. I sighed and just leaned against the wall. I know I was supposed to be a prisoner and all, but the aesthetic of the place was oddly peaceful. Not like the village. Besides I don't doubt they're probably hating me for using magic to kick Fajr out of my house. As I thought to myself I suddenly heard the door being opened. I got up and looked at the door as it was indeed, open. I tilted my head confused as I swung my bag over my shoulder. I quietly picked up the small stool in the cell with my tail as an eccentric voice suddenly spoke,

"Come come mademoiselle! The prince has requested you be escorted to a new room!" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously,

"I thought the cell isn't supposed to open for an eternity."

"Oh that was just the prince's little temper tantrum! Can hardly blame him!" The voice chuckled. I then tossed the stool out into the hallway, aiming at a person's gut, but all I heard was the stool breaking against the wall,

"Hey!! Don't destroy the prince's property! He'll get extremely feisty if you do!" I became more confused as I finally stepped out into the hallway, and I finally saw what was talking to me; the candelabra. It had its left and right wick holders on its main holder, as if putting its hands on its hips. I stared at it incredulously,

"Welp, I'm going crazy." I said without thinking, before the sound of someone panting as they ascended the stairs came closer. What revealed itself then was the clock, also walking and talking,

"F-For goodness sake *pant* Ch-Choco! D-Don't just *pant* run off like th-that!" The small clock groaned exhausted. The candelabra, who's name was apparently Choco, declared with a wave of his... hand...

"I am simply excited that the prince is finally warming up Glitch! I want to make him proud!" The clock, Glitch, sighed before approaching me,

"Sorry about Ch-Choco." He explained, still out of breath, "but he is correct. Th-The young prince had requested we relocate you to another room." I narrowed my eyes suspiciously,

"Okay..." I muttered before the two turned around,

"Let us get moving then mademoiselle!" Choco declared as we started... walking. I followed the two as my mind wandered, tuning out whatever the two were telling me. Why would that wolf boy want to relocate me. He seemed rather... aggressive, to put it tamely. Maybe he... oh please there's no way someone like him would want me to fall in love that way. Besides not like I'll take it. I'll probably just kill him when I get the chance,

"Did you get that?" I heard Glitch faintly say, before he cleared his throat, "Ma'am, I said, did you get that?" He said, much louder. I turned my attention towards him,

"Yeah yeah I got it." I said with an annoyed sigh. The two looked at me incredulously before we finally reached a hallway. We had been traveling outside the castle, you see, and oddly enough it was much prettier in the morning rather than night. The snow seemed to melt in an instant though the cold still remained. After an eternity we finally reached a large pair of doors. Choco declared,

"Welcome, mademoiselle, to your new...!" He attempted to open the doors but he was too small. I shrugged and opened the doors for him,

"You're new home!" He finished, bowing to me as I entered the room, placing my bag down on the bed and looking around amazed. I couldn't believe my eyes.

The room was gorgeous. It was high and cylindrical, a large window closed on the wall adjacent to the doors, a large, golden bed arrayed with a beautiful quilt and soft pillows. Next to the bed was a vanity, one with a beautifully large mirror and drawers which I could only assume was full of beauty products. But what seriously caught my eye was a humongous wardrobe, standing tall, and popping out with cyan colors instead of yellow. As I stared at the wardrobe a cart suddenly rolled in along with a stool, which was barking like a dog. My tail fluffed up startled as I stepped away from the stool. The cart stopped in front of me as a teapot hopped towards me, staying on the cart as it smiled

"Hello dear, I'm Mrs. Potts." The pot said with a warm smile, "would you like some tea?" I thought for a moment before shaking my head,

"I'm alright, thank you." Mrs. Potts nodded before a teacup hopped over as well; a chip in its rim,

"Hi! I'm Chip!" It said happily. I shrugged, my expression remaining neutral. Choco coughed as he waved his arms at some dust,

"My this room hasn't been occupied in decades! Someone clean the room!" A feather duster flew into the room and started cleaning the dust. All the dust then made me sneeze before my attention returned to the wardrobe. Glitch climbed onto the cart,

"Ah yes, ma'am, please say hello to Madame Garderobe. She will be keeping an eye on you during your stay." He said calmly. I walked over to the wardrobe curiously as he gestured to it,

"Uhm... hello?" I said meekly, before the wardrobe suddenly opened up, revealing yet another face. Yup this is her. Madame Garderobe yawned before looking around,

"My goodness! How long was I asleep?" Her attention turned towards me as she lit up,

"What a marvelous young lady! And such an eloquent figure as well!" The doors of the wardrobe gestured to my, well, figure as Garderobe looked at me up and down. I became a bit self conscious as I crossed my arms, the clothes in the wardrobe spinning around,

"Let's see..." Garderobe hummed softly as she searched the clothes, "Aha!" She suddenly covered me in multiple large dresses. I just stood there dumbfounded before I finally looked at all the strange dresses. They were all very garish and outlandish, along with what felt like a pound of itch on my head. I took off the wig and tossed it aside annoyed. I then squirmed my way out of the dresses and grumbled softly before Glitch stated,

"Please do not leave the room until the prince arrives. He said he wishes to talk to you later, and it would disappoint him so to not see you." The group then left the room via the cart, the doors closing, and Madame Garderobe closing, presumably going back to sleep. I stared at the dresses in disdain before walking towards the window. I opened the window and... somehow the air wasn't cold anymore. I looked around amazed and found that the weather around the castle had mysteriously become more spring-like. I hummed softly perplexed before noticing a beautiful garden; large and well kept. I smiled softly before sitting on the stone within the window, one leg inside, the other bent so it could fit as I stared out the window, humming softly to myself as I watched the scenery.

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