Chapter 11: Fajr Pyrite

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(No one's POV)

Fajr sat solemnly at the bar, sipping some apple juice. Yeah... he's at a bar drinking apple juice... he definitely has his issues. Anyway he was solemn because of Phoebe. After she had kicked him out yesterday he attempted to visit her and apologize an hour or so ago. But when he got there, no one was home. He assumed she left because she decided to dump him. He whined sadly and drank the rest of his apple juice before asking for another, the bartender sighing,

"If it weren't for you this apple juice would go bad, but why are you so depressed?" Fajr sighed sadly,

"It's Phoebe, sir! She kicked me out yesterday and I... I wanted to apologize but she's... she's gone... she left me!" Fajr began pathetically sobbing before Maria and Rebecca entered the bar. Rebecca noticed how pathetic Fajr was and approached him,

"Fajr what are you crying about? Stop it, it's pathetic." Fajr sat up and sniffled, wiping his tears,

"Ph-Phoebe she... she d-dump-dumped...!" He was about to sob again before Maria wrapped an arm around him,

"Y'know we hate seeing our town's hero get all gloomy like this." She then pulled out her guitar out of nowhere and began to strum it, Rebecca and her beginning to sing,

(Yeah yeah song again just play the vid up top)

As they sang Fajr started to perk up. He giggled and started getting into the vibe of the music, enjoying the villagers' compliments of their hero. He danced and bounced around, feeling much happier, before the song was abruptly cut short by Lydia barging in in a panic,

"Help! I need help!!" She exclaimed in a panic. Everyone turned to her and became annoyed,

"Don't just barge in! Learn some manners!" They all scolded, causing Lydia to stress out more, before Fajr calmed the crowd,

"Easy easy! She's already stressed enough as is! Don't cause her to have a panic attack, you'll be the ones at fault then!" Everyone then shut up as Fajr approached a shaking Lydia,

"It's okay, take a breath... let's step outside so you can tell me what happened, okay?" Lydia nodded as the two went outside. After a few minutes of consoling, Lydia finally sighed deeply,

"Th-Thank you Fajr..." she said meekly. Fajr nodded,

"So what's wrong? What's got you so panicked?" Lydia then looked at Fajr scared, before looking around anxiously, and declaring,

"Phoebe was kidnapped by a monster!!" Fajr was taken aback, nearly stumbling onto his butt before becoming worried,

"What?! How?! What happened!?" Lydia then explained the entire story to Fajr, about the unexplained lightning, the talking objects, but most importantly, the beast. Fajr nodded in reply to everything,

"I'll admit it sounds a bit far fetched, but I believe you! Let's go save Phoebe!" he smiled confidently as Lydia copied his confidence, nodding before the two rushed to grab their horses.

Fajr rode on Asteroid to Lydia and Emily, his sword in its sheath on his back. He got to her and handed her a gun,

"This gun is magic." He whispered to her, "Use it wisely, okay?" Lydia nodded and put the gun in her jacket before the two flicked their horses' reigns, sprinting off towards the forest. The two slowed to a trot once they were in the forest, being weary of any obstacles. During that time Lydia began to ponder. She held the gun in her hands confused,

"Hey... Fajr?"

"Hm?" He hummed in reply,

"Why did you give me a gun anyway? All we have to do is pull a lever to rescue Phoebe." Fajr then chuckled softly,

"You're really innocent, huh?" His smile then turned malicious, "We're going to kill that monster." Lydia's eyes widened,

"What?! Why??" Fajr giggled darkly,

"I can't possibly let that beast get away with harming my Phoebe. It's a threat to her safety. I will kill that monster before it gets its hands on her again!" Fajr began to laugh maniacally, Lydia stopping in fear,

"Y-You... you're a monster!" Fajr turned to Lydia, his eyes becoming more demonic (Like you all saw in his introduction image),

"I'm not the monster here, Lydia~ That beast is~" He grinned before giggling and turning back to normal,

"Whoopsie! Looks like I accidentally showed you my "Joker" card, so to speak!" He cheerfully spoke, making Lydia uneasy,

"Don't speak about this, 'kay? I wanna keep the image of me being a hero around the village!" Lydia narrowed her eyes uneasily at Fajr before they reached a path,

"It should be here... wait... w-what...?" Lydia looked up at the tree, no longer broken, nor struck by lightning; therefore, the path to the castle was no longer there,

"Th-This doesn't make any sense! The tree was down! I know it was!" She exclaimed confused. Fajr hummed softly,

"It looks like the magic is keeping us from finding the castle again. It doesn't want us to rescue Phoebe." He growled softly. Lydia watched Fajr as he turned around,

"Welp! Nothin left to do but head back and work on a plan B!" He chimed. Lydia's eyes widened,

"WHAT!?" She snapped at him, "WHAT ABOUT PHOEBE?! SHE COULD BE IN DANGER AND YOU'RE SAYING WE SHOULD TURN AROUND?!" She started shaking, "What about what you said. About killing the beast? Having Phoebe to yourself?" Fajr suddenly snatched Lydia and lifted her into the air, causing her to gasp scared,

"I thought I told you not to talk about the Joker." He said darkly, "I guess when we return to the village you're gonna tell everyone about it right?" Lydia began to shake uncontrollably before Fajr chuckled darkly,

"I figured. I'll make sure you won't utter a word to anyone. My image of a hero has to be protected, or no one will trust me. Phoebe will hate me. Say goodbye to your old home, Lydia Dreamer." His face got closer to Lydia's terrified face,

"C A U S E  Y O U ' R E  N E V E R  G O I N G  B A C K ."

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