Chapter 19: The Fight

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(No one's POV)

Fajr and the rest of the village (the ones who opted to fight) made their way to the castle, Fajr discreetly using his magic so the path to the castle would reveal itself. He rode on Asteroid to demonstrate the fact he was in charge, as the villagers roared and stormed the path, heading right to the castle.

Meanwhile the quadrio were prepared for an ambush, Mischief double checking each object to make sure they were in place. He then returned to the others and assured they were all ready. Phoebe then stood up,

"Let's each spread out to a different room. If Fajr gets to one of us we alert the others and fight him." She then turned to Moon, "Especially you Moon. I don't want you trying to fight alone." Moon nodded as the group then spread out, Moon traveling to the farthest room in a tower, as a huge window leading to a roof was nearby. He sighed and summoned his spear, holding it close as he muttered,

"...I won't let him hurt anybody."


The villagers arrived at the castle with weapons in hand. Fajr stared up at the towers skeptically as the villagers stormed inside, some going around and finding other entrances. Fajr smirked as he ended up alone. Since no one was near to see him, he then summoned his wings and horns, his eyes turning demonic as he got off of Asteroid and flew to the towers. He had a feeling the beast was hiding up there, like a coward. He knew the group was watching him, but he foolishly assumed it was only the beast. He let the others go inside to get caught up in the traps and distract any guards or enemies, as he flew up to the towers to search for the beast, kill him, and get his darling Phoebe-kins back.

Meanwhile the villagers all got caught by the traps. Some burned by Choco and the candles, others slammed into dressers. Some were tied up, others knocked out cold. It was chaos and everyone could hear it. Maria and Rebecca managed to evade the traps with their own magic. Rebecca was a ranger and Maria was a bard, that's how they cheered Fajr up before.

The two made their way sneakily through the castle, looking at each other knowingly. They knew aiming to kill the beast like this was wrong. But they had to play along. They, along with some other villagers, then stormed into a room. The two paused as they looked at who was there,

"Mischief...?" Rebecca said softly as Mischief turned to them solemnly,

"You two are here too..." he then faced the villagers and sisters as they readied their weapons. Mischief turned towards the sisters, his arms outstretched,

"Please Maria, Rebecca... you know this isn't right. Demeter's okay, Lydia's okay. Please... do the right thing." The two's eyes widened hearing Mischief's words. They knew Demeter was one of the many daily nicknames Mischief had for Phoebe, and they knew they could trust Mischief. He was Phoebe's very best friend in high school. The villagers attempted to attack Mischief but Maria strummed her guitar and all of them fell asleep. The three smiled at each other confidently before Rebecca looked up,

"Fajr flew. He's up at the towers." Mischief's eyes widened,

"That's where Moon is!" He explained the situation to the very confused girls as they nodded uncertainly. They didn't completely understand everything but more important issues were going on.

"We have to get Demeter and Lydia and get to Moon before Fajr seriously hurts him!" Mischief exclaimed as they took off running.

Truth is... Maria, Rebecca, Phoebe, and Mischief all knew who Fajr was. They all went to high school. However, only two were able to witness his wild card first hand: Mischief and Rebecca. The two spied on him from the treetops and noticed him brutally slay someone, who was a hybrid of a monster and human. Rebecca kept it secret but Mischief told Phoebe to warn her. Though they all knew something was off about Fajr... something untrustworthy; therefore, you can understand why they were in a panic to get the group together.

Meanwhile... Moon was waiting patiently before hearing the window break. He quietly turned to the window and saw Fajr there. He glared at him as Fajr laughed psychotically,

"There you are, beast!" He grinned before dashing towards Moon, his sword clashing against Moon's spear. This was it.

This was the end.

(Whoooo! Almost to the finale! Sorry this chapter was kind of short, but I aim for the last one to be more action packed. Stay tuned till then!)

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