Epilogue: Love Blossoming in the Dusk

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(No one's POV)

"I now pronounce you... husband and wife!" The priest declared. Everybody cheered as the now married couple happily kissed.

Oh you think this is Moon and Phoebe? Nope it's Lydia and Mischief. I know, crazy right?

It's been around 4 months since Moon's curse was broken. A week after, the two got married, and it was the happiest Moon and Phoebe have ever been.

The castle had since been taken down due to how shaky it got due to the bouquet, and the new villagers are working on building it into a McDonald's of their own, per Mischief's very violent request.

Maria and Rebecca were working on fixing up the town, modernizing and kicking out anybody that was... well not very nice. They were happy to have improved so much, though they were both a bit disappointed being the only ones of the group without romantic partners.

Lydia became a flustered mess around Mischief, always blushing and turning into a keysmash whenever he complimented her. Other than that her artistry career really took off, she's made a lot of money since. Her room is still an artist's dream as she works there when she wants to. When she doesn't she stays with Mischief in his treehouse.

Choco and Glitch ended up having to live together. They took up Fajr's old home and have fun watching the couples go about their merry way.

Sun discovered what had happened and while he did want to kill Moon at first, Phoebe got him to stop and apologize... by threatening the ever living daylights out of him until Moon dragged her away.

The witch also decided to live in the village, creating her own little cottage which she worked dedicatedly on helping the residents when need be.

All the other now human people in the castle were figuring out where to go without their home. Some stayed by to oversee and assist with the building and the garden, some living in nearby villages as well (such as Mrs. Potts and Chip).

And as for Moon and Phoebe? They're both very happy together. Since the Johnsons were modernizing the town, the first thing they did was get TVs and such. Phoebe and Moon would spend their days cuddled up with each other on the couch as they binged TV together. When that was over with the two would cuddle on their bed, the bed having been upgraded by the witch.

Although Phoebe missed petting Moon and messing with him, she still was able to make him purr. She loved to play with his hair, and sometimes Moon would start to purr as a result. When questioned about it by Phoebe, Moon simply responded,

"Copying you, plus magic, equals now I can purr." To which the two giggled about.

The two thought about the idea of having kids, but they decided against it cause Moon was too flustered and Phoebe just wanted to relax with her husband without worrying about their "possible children".

Occasionally the group met up again and they all spent the day together, running around the forest before landing in the grass and talking about their days. In the spring they'd make flower crowns for each other.

After breaking the curse, Phoebe gained a huge power boost, and with that she did the unthinkable. She fought Gray Shadow and saved her home. It took a lot of training, trial and error, and acceptance of who she really was and what the true context of what the origin of what the original Light and Shadow Types were.

Her family was grateful to her for saving them, and offering her to return home. Although Phoebe smiled at the idea, she simply shook her head,

"I'm sorry but... I went through hell just living with all of you. Mistakes were made and I know we're all at fault." She glared at Sylvie as she said that, "but I have a husband, best friends, and a home which is welcoming to me. They're..." she then looked at Yami,

"They're what truly matter most to me." Yami's eyes widened slightly before she smiled and nodded, accepting Phoebe's decision as she left. The others weren't as accepting but they understood her reasoning. Sylvie was being spiteful and happy Phoebe was gone though, so they tossed her in the basement and declared her unfit to lead the team.

And now here the two (Phoebe and Moon) are, enjoying their time together just cuddling. Everything had turned out peacefully, for the most part. Of course what happened in the past will always stick with them, and they knew. However they both weren't afraid anymore, and were going to keep moving forward... together.

And that concludes this story. We've come a long way, yeah? Not really... but it's still been a great time talking with all of you and sharing this story.

Oh? You're wondering who I am? And how I knew all of this? *Giggles* you can call me Nim. I'm the one who created Sun and Moon. I've been watching this story unfold since the beginning. And I am just so proud of my sons and how far they've come. And I hope they continue moving forward.

Till then... goodbye everyone.

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